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  1. B

    New use for plastic bags

    Here's a site on how to cut the bags. Once you make the "yarn" you can follow any pattern. I've never knitted. Not sure if you can knit with this "yarn".
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    New use for plastic bags

    Yesterday at a baby shower a woman had this bag she crotched out of plastic grocery store bags. I had never seen one before and thought it was the neatest idea. I was thoroughly impressed, my DH wasn't, his mom used to make them. The woman said she would email me instructions. I've go to make me...
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    My sister started homeschooling my niece because she was identified as likely to pass the WASL, the states standardized test for the no child left behind act. Since she was able to pass the test she was ignored. She really likes math and was bummed that the school spent so much time doing last...
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    Frugality vs. Kids

    OK, I have no kids of mine own but I have a stepson that just turned 17 last week. I may feel differently if I made him but this is what I do. I have a set amount of what I think is reasonable amount to spend on clothes and stuff. It's his to spend as he see fit. If he wants to spend it all at...
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    Deer permits for crop damage!

    Wow, I thought ki-o-tee was plural and ki-yote was single. I use both pronunciations and no on has ever said anything. So you need a permit to kill deer on your own property? I suppose that varies state to state. I never looked into it. I assumed you could kill any animals that harms your or...
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    Is it really a money saver?

    Where I live solar panels aren't cost effective. It takes over 20yrs to break even. Our electricity is rather cheap and it gets dark by 4:30pm in the winter. Solar hot water heaters are supposed to be great. They pay for themselves after only 5yrs. Check out Home Power magazine. It has lots of...
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    who has rain barrels?

    Here's a photo of one of mine. They were olive barrels I bought from a guy in a vacant lot. When we moved in the gutters went into an underground pipe that leads into the sewer. The barrel's overflow still goes into that pipe. The barrel has it's original lid with a hole cut to fit the...
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    Energy Saver bulbs-They work!

    My parents used CFL when I was growing up so I do too. I have some that are at least 10yrs old. One I bought recently died after a week. Some of them take awhile to come on, some are instant. The CFLs seem to vary alot between brands. Here its illegal to throw them in the trash but stores will...
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    Financial Management Teachings - Why Not Taught In School?

    When I was in school household finances was taught in Home Ec which we took in both 7th & 9th grade. Now the local schools don't even offer Home Ec as an elective. They also taught us how to balance a checkbook in math class. Money management isn't on the state's standardized test so they don't...
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    Anyone here fans of Countryside Magazine?

    Yes! I won a subscription from visiting their website and just received the 1st issue this week.
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    My DH won't even try

    Thanks everyone for your advice and stories. Its best to discuss this with strangers since people I know say either to dump him or some version of thats not so bad, you could be married to Christie Brinkleys soon to be ex. Money is what most couples fight about so I figured I could get some good...
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    Where did we go wrong?

    My dad kept chickens in the hallway in the former Soviet Union. Ive read that in Victorian England people kept cows in the house. I wasnt there so I dont know if it was true. I know that lots of people grow veggies in small spaces. There are P-Patches with waiting lists and some employers have...
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    Where did we go wrong?

    I think its depends on where you live whether this is rare and what type of things people are able to do. Most cities around here ban compostables from the trash. You must compost it yourself or pay for a yard waste container. The cities encourage and in some cases provide composters, rain...
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    My DH won't even try

    Im not sure how to untrain myself. Since were married his lack of financial planning does affect me. For example if he doesnt pay his auto insurance then gets in a wreck my wages can be garnished, our house could be sold out from under us to pay off whatever damaged is caused. I agree with...
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    Favorite Financial Quotes - Please Add Yours

    People pay for stuff they'll later pay someone to haul away - Grandpa
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    Whatt does self suffcient mean to you?

    What is your idea of self sufficiently? Obviously few of few of us can or want to be completely self sufficient. The USA could be a self sufficient country but imports what percent of what it consumes? :rolleyes: I just do the simple stuff. We planted fruit trees and blueberries when we moved...
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    My DH won't even try

    Thank you for all the responses. I feel better. What to do I dont know. We have separate accounts. I thought about getting a joint account for bills. Havent done it since I dont think he would make his deposits in a timely manner. At one point we divided up the bills. He would pay his share a...
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    My DH won't even try

    Has anyone succeeded in getting their spouse to embrace the frugal lifestyle? Im at my wits end with my DH. Ill try not to turn this into a rant but he just went outside to wash the side of the house while leaving the bedroom light, kitchen light, the TV and the stereo on. This is typical. I...