the good thing about it is most people dont know how to repair lawn mowers and will give them away when they can usually be fixed cheaply, my dad got one the other day for free because the handle was missing a bolt, can you believe it.....a BOLT :barnie . most of the time its a spark plug...
i am a master plumber and gas fitter, residential only i never ventured into the commercial side of plumbing because it was just me and my brother who is a firefighter as well. the coolest of all things was when we worked the same shift at the same fire department we had a blast going into fires...
i would love to know the history on some of these names, especially the booger towns. We have a community called Possum Trot not far from here. i think all southern states have a community called booger holler or something like that and it probably came from a hunting trip most likely a coon...
its according to the situation, we have a Remington 700 Sendero sniper package chamberd in 7mm mag we use for cut overs, I use my Savage 111 270 with the Bushnell Elite Firefly (glow in the dark reticle, which helped me bag a doe last evening) scope the most and it is my favorite and for those...
im just bgetting into raising pigs for the table and am curious to know what is the best breed for meat, we have the pen ready but just dont know when to get one or which type to get.
i always suggest as the site to get recipes. they come from every day folks like you and me so most of them are simply written and easy to follow.
go to for brand name recipes or for user enterd recipes both sites are full of recipes but the goldmine site has brand name recipes, resturant recipes, its my favorite.
so why are fresh eggs so dang hard to peel anyway? i love a boiled egg sammich but since ive had my own chickens ive just been waiting for easter to get those nasty blue and pink striped store boughts. id love to have one of those egg cooking doo-dads to boil me up some eggs.
you know that down here in the dirty south we fry EVERYTHING from a to z and I use peanut oil. lard is good to but it will affect the taste beings it is renderd animal and not vegetable. while youre frying those bitterballen things get you some okra pronounced oak-ree, and cut them into 1/2 inch...
those herbs sound great. I'm planting a cold and flu herb garden from the Storey's book like purple cone flower ( i cant even try to spell the e word for it, i can barely say it) yarrow, garlic, thyme, rosemary, mint, cayenne pepper. I am also planting sage, basil and oregano just because i...
If it were me and it will be soon, ill let a big ole rutted buck move out of my way so i can take the doe. You know you can boil them antlers all day and still not be able to eat'em :lol: I personaly dont like the big ole buck game taste, i prefer a doe any day but i already have a 10 piont on...
isnt global warming just lovely, all the nice warm air, from the green house gasses coming out of the tail pipes of our mean nasty cars and jet engines of all the NUTS who are flying around the country telling us to stop driving so much and shoving this CRAP down our throat's. i say to them...
that is wrong on soooooo many levels. funny but wrong, to much for the feeble male mind to absorb. cant.........stop........watching. its like the old cattle fence you grab it and it hurts like crap but you cant let go and end up peeing yourself. after its all over and you recover it was funny.