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    New to Sufficient Self

    :welcome how-do from Alabama. Welcome to the best forum on the web. If you want to know how, why, when, where etc. all you need to do is ask, someone here knows or has done it. Punkin, i confess im a nut. God bless
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    Install wood stove?? Yay or Nay?

    we heat by a wood stove exclusively. when the winter sets in the heater never comes on at all. in the 10 years of having a stove i have only cut down 3 trees one was a leaner another man wanted cut and since i volunteered to do it i got all the tree (hickory by the way) the other 2 were off my...
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    How About Quartz Heaters?

    we used a couple of electric heaters a few winters ago and the power bill was not kind. we have since swapped over to kerosene and are much happier, although k1 is fairly expensive and a gas station near me sold me off road diesel as red dye k1 (a huge STINKY mess) last year, it is still my...
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    new use for old mower

    i cut the deck with a right angle grinder with a thin metal cutting blade. i did this on a rainy day on a whim. it really does a great job. i do however need to install a piece of tire or stiff robber in the funnel to keep debris from coming back out, but if i feed stalks while standing behind...
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    what I see when I open my front door. (pics)

    beings im Irish can i come and stay with you for a while? i can work for my boarding. I would love to see the mother land and stay long enough to lose this southern drawl and pick up an Irish accent, if that wouldnt be to much trouble. :lol:
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    new use for old mower

    I turned an old push mower into a chipper shredder for free. All i did is cut a hole in the deck above the blade welded a funnel shaped opening out of some old stud plates i had laying around, sharped the blade all the way to the bolt and let her rip. It does an awesome job and turns soft stuff...
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    I have a dilemma....

    we have been getting jars all the time at the local thrift stores good will, mission store, for around $3.00 a dozen. some of them are nasty and it may be a mix of quarts and pints, kerr and ball but for 3 bucks a dozen i aint complaining. they also have rings sometime, they will be in a...
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    Am i the only irish lassie here?!

    Im just a wee bit Irish but im no lassie no. McLaughlin's the name of the Lachlan Clan and heres me proof. Me clan castle, its a fixer upper near Donegal. My family tartan and last but not least the crest.
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    Any one in California hear about this?

    i hope it is a hoax, the story supposedly came from the captains wife who was told not to talk about it. it probably is a hoax.
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    look what mother nature created

    I work at an airport where there is alot of open land to see and we have seen a full circle rainbow here before. It was awesome.
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    Any one in California hear about this?

    API news reports a Navy captain and a chief petty officer on board an un named ship have died as a result of complications from the H1N1 vaccine. The report said the ship was quarintined at sea for 21 days as they sent 11 doctors to assist. Several people were reported to have the flu on the...
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    New member from Michigan

    howdy from Alabama, the heat of dixie, you are leaps and bounds ahead of us. Dac said look out :hide for grumpy old men, i say look out for nuts too, me especially. :lol: :welcome
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    tape rash

    I have had the misfortune to have a cut infected with MRSA staph. it is healing from the inside out and has to be packed and dressed every night. The confounded tape has given me an awful rash and hurts like the dickens when it is removed. i have recently been able to down size to a large band...
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    butter peas, alot of them. 23 jars and counting. they are the best little peas/beans ive ever had.
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    Definitely not a poisonous snake either a baby milk or corn snake, certain types of both kinds look alot alike. It is not an import either they live in the USA and eat rats mice and other rodents. dont kill them, it drives me insane when people kill beneficial snakes due to their irrational...
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    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    alot of cayenne pepper (if i spelled it right). I have a ton of it this year the pods are from 6to 10 inches long and as big around as my pinky finger and HOTTTTTT :drool as crap. I guess i got it all just right this year. daddy always said chicken manure will heat it up and im just using it...
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    what do i do with all these persimmons???

    persimmons :sick put'em ALL in a bucket and take them into the hunting land, dump them out, get into a blind and wait patiently, old bucky or his bride will be by shortly and "BANG" you got dinner. If its legal of course,if its not then go deeper into the woods. just kidding of course. :gig
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    gardening in the garden

    AWESOME find Rebecca100, I have a similar copy of the companion list but it was not near as complete as the one you suggested. I found the marigold seeds at they are supposed to be the old high fragrance type that wards off bugs they also have nasturtium seed. I get my seed through them when...
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    just a little curious

    i didnt want to admit it earlier but since were airing our laundry, i could put bacon grease on anything!!!!!! love it, :love collards, fried eggs, beans, EVERYTHING......i think i have a problem. is there an AA for fat lovers? :lol:
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    How much do you pay for butter?

    we normally buy Amish roll butter at 8 bucks for a large 4# roll. the last 2 times ive been to the local wal-mart they have been out of butter (strange) and its been hard to get the amish butter from the local guy also. whats up all of a sudden? :hu