i put it into a little jar and keep it in the freezer. it can be used for seasoning during cooking, it also has some medicinal uses. we have used bacon drippings to give a dog that got hit by a cotton mouth on the snout to draw out the toxins, it was fine the next day. we only save bacon...
the site has alot of info on using ACV. I know alot of you swear by acv and ive started some of the therapies my self. Ive been battling an MRSA wound and chronic sinus issues and it is already helping me.
hey all i just found the most awesome website called earth clinic. i did a search on here and didnt find it mentioned anywhere. It has the most awesome info and collection of remedies ive ever seen.here is the site .
just spitballing here but some of the reaction at your old home is, as you grew up there you grew antibodies and resistance to the pollens and dust in that area you may only be mildly allergic to cats. you are taking alot of meds to block histamine, it cant be good for your body. have you ever...
ive looked on here and cant find a homemade dehydrating system. have you thought about a home made one? ive been looking and they seem fairly easy to make out of stuff lying around. Does anyone here have a pic of their homemade one? Im about to make one myself but would love to hear pros and...
Rick and Bubba a local radio show had a MD on this morning that said he has tested 11 people, if i remember correctly, for flu and 9 were H1N1 flu. he said he has seen it to be very mild with some of the people going about their day not feeling bad at all, common cold like symptoms. He agrees...
no issues here (but were at a mind blowind 700 feet above sea level) and never tried crab apple jelly aftre getting sick off em before tends to turn the stomach against em for ever.
howdy :frow yall from the heart of Dixie, Alabama. welcome to the ss forum a wealth of knowledge, know how, humor, help and the occasional nut. :P
now according to the new standard you are all extremist threats to national security for wanting to punch a bureau-bum. :hide also according to osama yo-mamma, im supposed to turn you into the local authorities, but since we share the same views, ill let it slide. :lau
im gonna post for a friend, he just "HAD TO HAVE" a 2008 F350 dully 4X4 crew cab loaded, he has a farm but no animals, he sold all his horses, has now large trailers to pull, i had to know what the payment is, $700.00 a month. I called him an idiot, in a friend joking way.
you want to waste some money try these new co pays at the dr's office, mine went up 15 bucks, and im up to 70 bucks just this week, stupid infection :rant :he. KC if you need some eggs, ive only got 4 dozen in the fridge, i give most of mine away to an older couple in the area, they really like...
we get our honey from a local farmers market and they jar in Kerr jars so i have gotten quite a few from him, we always used mayo jars for canning when we were growing up, if it was questionable mom would use the jar for pickles or something water bath canned. I tried the craigs list thing here...
LAST 11 quarts of blue lake pole beans no thanks to my own ignorance and a gazillion spider mites. i learned something yesterday as i frantically searched for a solution to my problem mites, i have always been a reactive gardener meaning i see a bug and i immediately spray it, its just what dad...
first the ta-mater sammiches now this? you are cruel. dont yall know i need to lose weight? ive got to eat a sammich and then make a cotton pickin pie :he :lau :gig
can i add fried bologna, thick slice, i know it aint from the garden but it sure is good on a mater sammich with very cold sweet tea to chase with, now im gonna have to eat lunch again. :drool
i forgot till i saw this post today, but a few weeks back i got five 55 gallon plastic drums " out of the way" at the firestation. i have already added most of them to my rain water collection system. still planning to add the remaining drums to another system im making. I have become a...