There is supposed to be a big one near us and i would love to attend but i will be at the fire station, eagerly awaiting the devastating barrage of nukes that the Korean tug boat kim jam chong will unleash on the USA. what a bunch of goobs, they cant even spell nuke let alone build one. :lau :gig
ticks you had me for a second there, i do agree with beekissed though his music was a large part of the 80's, but like the old saying goes, sha-na na na, sha na na na, hey hey hey, good bye!
how was he the king of pop? they reported earlier that he only had 13 number one hits, that is a sad number considering he was in the biz for 40ish years.
i agree with letting our voices be heard but the goon's in Washington have their ears plugged with all the cash they will be getting from lobbyists. i hadn't heard the price was going to be so high, for many it will be life changing blow to the budget. i think we may go off grid by force and not...
there is speculation that when this cap and trade is set into motion that the utility bills may sky rocket. That being said what are some ways we can offset the cost of heating and cooling, cooking and driving. I personally will have to eliminate A/C, heat only with wood, cook out on the open...
my plan is to expand everything except bills in fact i am getting rid of services (cell phone, call id, cable tv is already gone) we dont NEED, i have already expanded my garden and have a sharecrop agreement with 2 other farmers, 1 of which we are sharing cattle and deer meat, the other we are...
my doggone hands are to big for work gloves, i wear them when we run barbed wire or hog fence but not gardening especially not when picking veges, id have them all tore up.
you are so right i didnt see that smiley but it fits, my ole paw nicknamed me tater when i was young because i'd eat them for every meal if i can i LOVE them any way there cooked, we ended up giving most of the beans to some familys who are out of work so we only canned 39 quarts of snake beans...
were snapping today and canning tomorrow, our neighbor who i sharecrop with has magic dirt and the snake beans are in with a vengeance, he brought in 5 bushel for him self and i got a wheel barrel full plus a couple of buckets, along side a mess of red taters. :P
hello from bama, its good to meet you. thank you for the advise. i was deployed to the coast with our Fire Dept. heavy rescue response team during katrina and the way people pulled together and lived was amazing. it was am amazing experience for me that i hope to never do again, the...
I dont know how to do all that fancy map stuff so ill just tell you that i live 40 miles north east of Birmingham Alabama in a small town called Odenville, its a farming area alot of folks have cows horses goats hogs chickens, typical farm country.
im growing t-maters roma's and beefsteak, taters, okra, pole beans, purple hull peas, black eye peas, butter peas (mini white limas), collards, cayenne pepper, bell pepper, cabbage, strait neck squash, blue berries, figs and had corn till the freaking wind storm blew it all down :rolleyes:.
can you get a few more pics and describe how you made the worm bed to us, i want to make one and yours seems to be just what the doctor ordered. please :D
hey farmer chick, how in the world have you been? i missed your posts while i was away, im glad to see every thing is going well for. i hate you are so busy but i would rather be busy than bored. i agree about the a/c its a love hate relationship i love the cool air but i HATE the bill. i guess...