I don't play with these people. the last one that "approached" my truck said he had just gotten out of prison and hadn't received his check yet and needed some cash to get home, well what he got was my pistol in his face and a request to leave, we all know that he is a liar and he was most...
we use a couple of old civil defense wool blankets. We found them while cleaning out some old buildings at the firedept. we also found 55 gallon drums of water. in the city i work in probably half of the 32 fire stations were civil defense fallout shelters.
next time you want that meal do the ole po'boy pouch you know put it all in an aluminum foil pouch a little butter salt and pepper makes an easy to prepare and clean meal. i did it with fish carrots and taters tonight at the fire station. GOOD EATS!!
And it aint near over if you believe certain people. If you really want to hear something scary go to youtube and on their search bar type Alex Jones lindsey williams. Alex Jones is known to be a rebel when it comes to giving out real news and Lindsey williams was an oil insider. If you believe...
given the price duppy posted i think i just found the deal of the week, me and a friend share crop our gardens with each other and we recently went on the hunt for the blueberry bushes and fruit trees, well we found all kinds of apple, pear peach and plum trees that were around 6' tall for 15...
if i can make a suggestion, go to youtube and check out good eats a chuck for chuck or celebrity roast. If youre not familiar with good eats the chef is Alton Brown from Georgia, he is a well known chef on food tv and tends to explain things about cooking on a level the regular joe can...
we've got a fireman friend that sells meat like that you can get quarters halves or whole, he processes it and everything. I would check the local co-op or feed store for farmers offering this.
the way some of those folks are over there id say it would be a disaster if you do it, we pretty much all get along here and look what started happening.
congrats on the canner, now all you need is a pressure canner and then maybe i can borrow it. :lol: i love me some muck boots i have worn a pair slam out, which where i live its pretty worn out.
I went to a community fair in Hoover Alabama today and they had these sun ovens for sale. They were cooking a cake in one and it had the whole area smelling great. The thep. on the gauge was 400 degrees and the cake looked wonderful. it would be a great purchase for emergency cooking. they were...
dang if i didn't wake up at 6 which is really 5 now and couldn't go back to sleep. so tonight we'll all be feeling this. its amazing how 1 hour throws off your whole doggone day. :/
the dreaded safety. i was on a road bed late one evening waiting on my ride it was past dark and i had doe estrus on my boot from an earlier drag rag, well im waiting and this buck comes out of no where nose to the ground smelling that pee and running full speed right at me and all i cuold think...