I use hovabators and I don't add water either. I keep the plugs out and I don't add water for lockdown either. I was having a problem with sticky chick/drowning before I chucked the hygrometers and just got on with it. Apparently there is plenty of humidity in the air here. If hens can hatch...
No I haven't had RIRs.
My problem is that the buckeyes available here are limited and I believe the strain is too inbred as they don't seem to be fertile when using a Beye rooster to a Beye hen. I can tell you it takes a pretty persistent and fast rooster to catch a Beye hen. The hens also...
Salt is something I have been stockpiling. I can go to the local bulk food barn and ask the manager to special order sea salt for me. If you buy straight from the bins its 78cents lb but if you buy by the 50lb bag special order, its only 26 cents. I can get either course or fine and it has no...
I set 52 eggs yesterday. Don't expect a high hatch rate as some of the eggs were close to freezing when they were collected and some are a bit old, but its early days for hatching and I have nothing to lose and knowledge to gain by pushing the envelope.
Hatching pure chanteclers...
We have been down sizing our bank cash. Its hard to spend money intelligently so that if SHT does'nt hit the fan we are still ok. One thing we did was to pay our property tax for the next 10 years. Probably less then that with with increases, but we don't have to worry about losing the place if...
The only label I like is eccentric or down right weird. That means I can live down to pretty much anyone's expectations; even my own. I don't like categories. As you pointed out, they tend to be a huge limiting factor if allowed, and we all have a tendency to use them to make excuses for...
Yes, some of the cows think its a big cookie. Also it will blow away in a stiff wind so I wrap it with chicken wire and bolt a piece of scrap wood to it to weight it down a bit. Its actually a good thing to have a cow playing with it because they break it loose from the surrounding skim of ice...
I build insulated boxes for all of my stock tanks. 2 x 4 studs framed around the tank with the lip of the tank sitting on the frame. Stuff with R 26 roxal insulation and cover with treated plywood. Cap the open corners. I have done my horse tank 150 gal and three cow tanks 300gal. this way...
I have a lot of beef that needs to be processed due to a screw up by the butcher. I am using round steaks right now. One more batch to go. You can cut either with or across the grain. With the grain will give you a more chewy jerky and across the grain will give a more crumbly jerky. Personal...
Almost. I realize you don't have your cow yet, and since you don't know what your situation will be till you do get her, I am just throwing info. out for you to consider. Lots of it might not be needed, but you seem like a person who likes to know things, so hopefully no harm done.
-The first...
You will need to milk the cow 2x a day for about 3 weeks. It depends on the calf. Some are light feeders and others are hogs. Also depends upon the mom. First time moms or retired dairy cows tend to have less milk and you can go to 1x a day sooner. If you are a first time owner, and the cow...
Around here its mostly meat because that is what we have coming out the wazoo. Beef, chicken, pork and milk in rediculous abundance. I am longing for some time to put in a garden because we would like some veggies to go with it. Bacon and eggs are a biggie as well, but once the bacon runs out...
Most of what other people have listed.
Pay cash for everything. No cash; don't buy it.
Don't go to the bank, that way we don't have any cash and can't buy it
Don't go to stores and you don't need money because you can't see anything you just got to have; out of sight out of mind.
Keep the...
As the original OP I say hi jack away. I hope this post gets hi jacked a dozen times. Thats called an ongoing opportunity to mull life over and take it on a road trip. Roads trips aren't fun if you get stuck in a rut.