As many varieties of anything that you can think of. Alfalfa, white and red clover, annual and perennial rye grass, forbes, timothy, birds foot treefoil instead of alfalfa if the ground is swampy, wheat, oats. Dandelions are good for pasture as well as some other weeds. If you plant a variety of...
Understood. I think most of us are assuming a level of common sense being used when putting kids to work. If there is no common sense, then there isn't any law that will protect anyone regardless of age. There are some over 30 kids that shouldn't be playing with large animals...
Agreed. You can run an amazing amount of stuff on solar if you plan it properly, and discipline yourself to not waste. Many fridges take a very small amount of electricity to run, and can run on a cloudy day if not overloading the sytem with useless stuff.
Well, I guess I can never take a day off again. Its the Amish kids down the road who do my chores then, and not one of them is over 12. I have bulls, mean geese, grumpy horses, and a 600 lb boar all running around along with assorted other critters. Hope those inspectors enjoy their tour on my...
Is it my imagination, or did a group of formly prolific and interestingly vocal posters recently make an exit, never come back to this site? I miss the debates and the information they provided; fact or fiction.
Toulle is right about peak oil.
My hubby is a geophysicist. He works in big oil, and even big oil knows its over. Peak oil has come and gone along time ago. Heck, they finally admitted it ten years ago; just not to the general public. All of those new discoveries are in old oil fields and...
I had (will have again) a wind turbine. A freak windstorm blew it down but with extenuating circumstances. (very shoddy improperly done installation). They work and work well in pretty strong winds. They will brake so as not to exceed maximum speed, and when the batteries are charged, they shut...
I am no expert on equipment. I have a New Holland 4x4 round baler. It makes soft core bales when hooked up to a 40 HP tractor and hardcore bales when hooked up to a 75 HP tractor. I am trading in my 40 HP tractor for a 90 HP tractor, because HP makes all the difference to most jobs. The 40 HP...
For any one thats interested, Fagor makes the pressure fryer. It is expensive but it goes both ways; fryer or cooker. No other pressure pot is qualified for frying with oil.
And no, I do not have an interest in selling these things. I wanted to pressure fry my free range DP chickens.
Huge word of warning here. DO NOT use a pressure COOKER with oil. They are not designed for it and there is a huge risk of disaster sooner or later. Use a pressure FRYER. There is only one designed for home use and cooking with oil. The seals on a pressure cooker are not designed for hot oil. A...
I am sorry, but I cannot read anymore of these Amish posts and stay silent even though I should. Somebody has been watching too much TV. Perhaps the Amish should be featured on Myth-busters. I have lots of Amish neighbours and have had Amish work for me doing chores when I go on holiday, and I...
True but misleading.
Children can and do handle what an adult does provided they have been exposed early; can't just blast the system out of the blue for big people or little ones. Farm kids are one example that shows the truth of bug exposure in children. This includes virus's like the flu...
Look up Dr. Eleanor Kellon veterinary. She has a forum addressing Cushings complete with diets ect.. She is also very free with her knowledge and is well known world wide.
Absolutely. Give your immune system something to do or it will turn on you. I practice " excessive hygiene" for company though, when I don't know if they are properly exposed or not. You do have a way with words that makes me smile.
Four and twenty black birds baked in a pie. When the pie was opened they all began to fly.
Might be some truth to the nursery rhyme. I'd eat them if needed, pie is as good a way as any.
We are ripping out all the lath and plaster and installing R26 insulation. Changing out all the 100 year old windows as well ( will recycle into greenhouse) and have made insulated inserts for the least used rooms and those on the North side. Going to be a bat cave when we get done. We don't...
I don't consider him a small farmer any more. Not industrial but not small; he has more then 500 acres and thousands of chickens and hundreds of pigs. He also lives in an area with less regulations restricting what he can or cannot do. He managed his PR very well and I would lay odds although I...
I am in Canada as well.
Some of you have posted what to me are really cheap prices for chicken feed. Here wheat is $15.00/50 lb. bag, corn is $16.50, peas are $16.00/25 lbs.
I don't use corn or soy; I use wheat and peas in order to avoid gm and cater to corn and soy allergies many people...