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    How many can she handle? (Broody raising free range meat birds)

    I did the opposite. I gave my Cx hen 20 chicks to raise (some are Cx crosses). They are running circles around her, but she could have covered a few more. The real problem is that it is difficult for the hen to keep an eye on them all so there is an increased risk of them getting lost or in...
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    How much would you pay/charge for a "driveway" breeding

    Eastern Breeders are the AI guys in Ontario. Call them up and they can educate you. They will have semen from something you can use/want. I am told it is quite reasonably priced. I will find out next month when I go that route for my jerseys. Also, try an add in something like Eastern Ontario...
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    Mandie's Jersey Journey

    Just want to add...if she isn't due right away, this is the best time to train her. Tie her in the milking spot; think about dry and out of the wind and sun year round for your comfort as well as hers. Give her a bit of grain or something to reward her for being there. Only give treats for the...
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    Mandie's Jersey Journey

    Jerseys #1, Holstein #2. Any of the dairy breeds that produce mass quantities of milk. Although beef cows can have the problem, it is rare as they don't suffer the huge draw on blood calcium that the dairy breeds do. Milk fever is caused from too much calcium being drawn from the bloodstream...
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    Free 1898 Cookbook

    Yes they are referring to the whole round. We normally see it divided into top, bottom, and eye and sold as either braising steaks or in the case of the eye, a roast. A whole round would be huge. If interested in making this recipe, use the top round, bottom will be tougher and need more curing...
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    Mandie's Jersey Journey

    You have a full jersey right? You need to pre-emptively treat her for milk fever within 12 hr. of the calf being born. This means 100-ml subcutaneous shot (under the neck skin) of a calcium solution you can get at the feed store or vet. If you chose not to do this, watch her very closely for a...
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    I would cook lutefisk and cabbage for a week every time he opened his mouth about such things. Outside/inside no matter; no where would be safe from the stench. Any one down wind would have to move.
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    Free 1898 Cookbook

    In reference to the "round" can you give it to me in context from the recipe? They are in all probability referring to Top or Bottom round (hind leg cut). Eye of round comes from the same area but is much leaner. Whatever the recipe is, they should all work.
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    goat drying up suddenly! New Update!

    Try the backyardherds forum. They have a very active goat section.
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    Doomsday Preppers ( National Geographic)

    Aside from the obvious location problems and the fact they have all advertised to the world who and where they are; that fancy farm house screams money, regardless of how hidden the TSHTF supplies are. I hope that house is a decoy. The neighbours know that house and those faces and neighbours...
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    What to do with beef bones???

    Do this, but add a miripoix and a few tablespoons of tomato paste when roasting and then deglaze for a richer dark stock. You can still give the bones to the dogs when your done.
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    Wrinkled potatoes? Or leftover mashed potatoes? Make Lefse

    No. not really a potato pancake although it would look more like a cross between a tortilla and a crepe and a whole lot mo betta.
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    Anyone hand wash their clothes?

    Just washed a bathtub load. Filled the tub and stomped on them. My washer is on the fritz. and my truck in the shop so no way to get to town. Not worried about wringing them out too much as they can drip dry on the fence. Came out surprisingly clean for chore clothes.
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    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Nope. Waiting for fresh bread is taboo. Hot from the oven; forget the sandwiches.
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    Home milkers-bleach and the septic system.

    I like bleach as well, but a dab will do ya. I also culture raw milk and/or yogurt once a week and pour that down the drain to counter-act the effects of the bleach. My septic seems to be doing well and it is 30 yrs. old. Its a fine thing to have lots of milk.
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    Living without a dryer

    freeze dry outside, shake them, hang them somewhere in the house to finish if they are still slightly damp.
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    Solar Forum Trolls of The Energy Industry.

    I AM NOT net metering (feeding into the grid to save for later) I am only taking from the grid if I need extra. I do have a master switch on the outside of the house so that if I were to do net metering, hydro personel could shut off the power coming from my house but at that point it is very...
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    Solar Forum Trolls of The Energy Industry.

    We have wind and solar. You can have grid tie with batteries. The grid supplies a small % of the load being used at all times. If the grid goes down, the system simply runs off the batteries. You must make sure you don't have too large a load that will drain the batteries quickly. You can also...
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    Cilantro-phobia~Why cilantro tastes like dish soap to some (not to me)

    I am one who absolutely cannot eat cilantro. Even the most microscopic bit will contaminate an entire dish for me. I would be better off biting off a chunk of soap or drinking dish washing liquid it is so strong. If some one uses a cutting board to cut cilantro and then prepares something else...
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    What is the most useful animal you raise?

    Milk cows= milk, cheese, butter, meat. Add chickens and you get eggs, and more meat. If the cow became to hard to feed I would change out for goats if possible.