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  1. L

    Swiss Chard Recipes

    We chop it up and add it to all kinds of things. I have to, my husband and kids don't care for it. So we throw it chopped into soup, fried rice, etc. It is better cooked with garlic if you use BUTTER, not olive oil... :)
  2. L

    Kefir and gas....

    Ummm, exactly what would you patent???
  3. L

    Ice Cream??

    My mother has one of those little freezable ice cream freezers. She freezes the liner, and when it is cold enough, we take it out, dump in the ingredients, attach the beater and motor and it makes ice cream in about 15-20 minutes. It is only a 1 quart, but it is so fast that you can do it on a...
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    Kefir and gas....

    Maybe you've hit on a new way of producing bio-fuel?
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    Do any of you go WITHOUT health insurance? By choice?

    The thing that is most maddening now about Obamacare is that EVERY major organization that supported it has asked for an exemption. Labor unions, major corporations, etc, which were all behind it, have filed for exemptions and have been granted them. There are also companies that did not...
  6. L

    bad chicken

    Another huge difference is time in transit, and storage conditions. Most traditional markets are supplied from the farms nearby, and not really kept under refrigeration. So the type of microflora that incubate in it are fairly simple and non-aggressive. They'll make you sick if you are not used...
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    bad chicken

    Ever seen the meat markets in third world countries? They are FULL of funky meat. What do you think people routinely ate before the invention of the refrigerator? Historically, "EYEWwwww" is what people ate every day. If meat goes "off", even if it is green and slimy, high enough heat, for...
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    dog protection question

    Labs as a breed are bred to NOT be protective. Their purpose is bird hunting - you can't have a dog barking at everything that moves when you are trying to be quiet. Sloppy breeding means that SOME labs do have uncharacteristic personalities, and will be somewhat protective - but that isn't...
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    Making your raw milk lactose free

    If you have congenital lactose intolerance, you may never be able to tolerate lactose. Theoretically, you might be able to use a good Kefir to replace the enzymes, but probably not totally. I was talking about acquired lactose intolerance - where people get it later in life. The #1 cause is...
  10. L

    What would you do?

    Is he supplying the eggs, or are you? Seems you might not have enough chickens to keep it going. :) Also, make sure there isn't some catch with ongoing orders like that, the USDA being able to class you as selling wholesale, over a certain limit in stock, etc. They keep changing the rules...
  11. L

    Need a shipping tester please!

    Considering that most places are charging $3 to $5 PER BATH BOMB, I should think that $10 or even $15 for the sampler will still draw takers.
  12. L

    Easy bruising...

    Kale is also high in C, and potatoes have a lot of potassium - and a decent amount of C. I have an inherited kidney condition where we don't process C very well, so I have to monitor how much I get, and not get too much, so I pay attention to which foods have a lot. I have to count those foods...
  13. L

    Easy bruising...

    This is one thing I'd go get a CBC for. Appetite changes in combination with easy bruising can be symptoms of a range of fairly nasty blood disorders, as well as several types of cancers, primarily blood cancers. I see it from the inside, I admit, since I had a son with leukemia. But it is a...
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    Chicken People should read this

    So to hitchhike a thread, do you stick your thumb out and hope someone else will write what you were gonna say? :)
  15. L

    Help! I have a plague of houseflies.

    We just clipped their wings. We don't get chummy with them, and they don't scratch us. Kevin holds them, I clip the flight feathers each year after they grow back. They've been the best thing.
  16. L

    Help! I have a plague of houseflies.

    We had bad flies every fall in Wyoming. Except the last one. We got Muscovies, and they cleaned up the grasshoppers in the back yard, and apparently ate every fly that planned on coming in the house. We had those ducks just in the back yard, and a zero fly problem. The grasshoppers were like a...
  17. L

    Graham cracker crust substitute

    Round, square, the cheesecake really doesn't care. A springform pan is just nice because it holds the shape when you dish it out. Pie pan works well too. I like the old fashioned crust much better than graham cracker, because it is so much lighter tasting, and does not overpower or clash with...
  18. L

    Graham cracker crust substitute

    Real cheesecake never did use a graham cracker crust - old fashioned baked cheesecakes used a flour crust. :) 1 stick butter 4 tbsp. sugar 2 eggs, beaten 2 c. flour 1 tsp. baking powder Typically, 2/3 of this is pressed into the bottom of a springform pan, and baked at 400 degrees for about...
  19. L

    Chicken People should read this

    But WZ, are you telling me that quail eggs are actually EDIBLE? NOOOO! The only edible eggs come from CHICKENS! Any other kind will make you SICK! (Laura, who wants Jumbo Brown Cotunix quail really bad!)
  20. L

    Chicken People should read this

    I think quail eggs give you vitiligo. You know, that skin disease where the melatonin is absent in some places, too heavy in others?