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  1. L

    Chicken People should read this

    I forgot green eggs. They are eggs that sat a little too long under the hen before they were collected...
  2. L

    Chicken People should read this

    Yup, blue eggs are especially high in helium, which, as we all know, we need, or our heads would not stay above our shoulders. Pink eggs have extra estrogen in them. Men should not eat them or they will have to wear a bra. Very dark brown eggs not only are higher in cholesterol, they contain a...
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    What a good idea, if you have plastic bottles.

    It will only work for a few uses. After that, the action of screwing the top on and off will tear up the plastic, the same way it does if you use plastic across the top of a canning jar under the ring.
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    Anemia, kidney stones, and unable to take vitamins. Help?

    Again, with the voice of dissent... Cranberry juice is GOOD for kidney problems. And good for other issues as well. BUT... It has to be 100% cranberry juice, NOT "cranberry juice cocktail" (which is a little bit of cranberry juice some apple juice, some grape juice, a lot of water, and a lot...
  5. L

    Anemia, kidney stones, and unable to take vitamins. Help?

    Ok. I am dealing with some of the same issues. I can recommend three things, specifically: 1. Niacin. Get a niacin supplement - a liquid capsule one if possible. Take one a day. If you are nutrient deficient from any form of malabsorption, you can end up low in niacin. Try this for a couple of...
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    Chicken People should read this

    There's a reason why I don't like being licked by a dog. I know where its mouth has been...
  7. L

    Chicken People should read this

    There are several strains of aspergillus. Some are not harmful. One strain is cultured in kefir - the same strain used for producing commercial lactase enzyme. Another strain is used in making beer. There are also over 2000 strains of salmonella, and many strains of e Coli. Most are not harmful...
  8. L

    Chicken People should read this

    NPIP requires testing for Pullorum. There are about six to eight other diseases that they can also certify for, which are voluntary. They also have guidelines for facility management and structures, which don't necessarily produce healthier birds. Transmission to humans isn't all that matters...
  9. L

    Chicken People should read this

    And then there is the fact that many of the larger mass hatcheries ship diseased fowl on a regular basis, and if you get chicks that are infected, it can wipe out your entire flock, and take the neighbor's flock with it. In actuality, biosecurity is a myth, and NPIP testing is frankly...
  10. L

    Square Foot Gardening.....Does Anyone Else Do This?

    I do block planting, but I am lazy about it. I estimate spacings, scatter seed a lot of crops, and then put flowers and other plants in the holes to fill them while things are growing. I often use the square foot gardening as a starting reference point, but figure that plants aren't that good at...
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    $200 Profit From Selling Bunnies = $4,000,000 Fine

    If the USDA can create a regulation, without the benefit of a vote by the public, or even any real oversight by legislators, and if they can levy fines based on those regulations, fines they make up themselves, and then seize property to cover those fines, without the benefit of a court order...
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    Solar Forum Trolls of The Energy Industry.

    Selling back to the Power company is always a losing proposition. They buy it from you at wholesale rates, and sell it back to you at retail rates. Not much of an efficient "storage system".
  13. L

    What to make with overripe pears? Need ideas quick!

    Google "baked pears". There are a variety of recipes for pears in all sorts of sauces.
  14. L

    Trout Lily

    It doesn't look like it would be practically useful as an emetic. If it is able to be consumed as a vegetable, in moderation, then it would probably take quite a bit to induce vomiting. In a poisoning emergency, you don't really have time to eat a lot of something - and doing so can be...
  15. L

    Increase your aggravation and Lose Weight!

    They are fairly hard to push. And they have to be kept in good shape - sharpened properly and aligned correctly. But so what if you can only do two swaths a day? So what if it takes you a month to mow the first time? The second time it will take you two weeks. The third time it will take you...
  16. L

    The Latest CDC Preparedness Info

    The way that it is written suggests strongly that they really don't WANT people to be prepared. That they'd rather that people left all that silly stuff to big brother. But then, I have a pretty bad attitude about the Government and their motives in the first place...
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    Tiny Houses

    Those tiny houses seem about like an RV.
  18. L

    Herbal remedy for sleep or anxiety??

    Kava Kava is a relaxant and is sedative for many people. Strong, fresh peppermint tea is also sedative for some people. If I get low on certain nutrients I'll have trouble sleeping also.
  19. L

    baking soda for clean hair?

    My favorite shampoo is Tate's Natural. Their conditioner is also wonderful, makes a really good lotion as well as conditioner. Just too expensive for me to use right now.
  20. L

    So I keep having this crazy idea....

    There are some sticky tax laws (at least in the US) where farms are concerned. Some states have special options for farm/ranch, on things like property taxes, vehicle licensing, etc. Otherwise, it is no different than starting any kind of business. Go Heritage! I love it when people decide on...