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  1. L

    homemade dehydrator problems

    Boogity is right. Vent at the bottom, vent at the top of any of the spaces. Plus, fan at the bottom, moving the air UP. Heat source at the bottom near the fan. Vent at the top should be adjustable for best control with various moisture levels in foods.
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    Advice on raising hemoglobin levels?

    Wheatgrass juice, or finely blended wheatgrass in a shake will provide chlorophyll, and it does work to increase blood cell production.
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    Advice on raising hemoglobin levels?

    B-6 can also be low on a vegetarian diet, and deficiency contributes to heavy periods. Low Folic Acid can do so also. Herbs for lightening the flow: Chamomile - stimulates cramping which constricts the blood vessels. 1 cup of tea every 6 hours or so. Red Raspberry - not sure how it works...
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    Plastic and Latex Free Diapering

    I can wear angora rabbit, but not angora wool. Can also handle silk. No relevance for diapers though. :)
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    Garlic.....Natures Antibiotic

    I didn't like Elephant Garlic. It lacks the zip of true garlic, and has an underlying flavor which is nauseating to me. My mom loves it though. I planted about 50 this year, not nearly enough, and may not mature here. Be careful using garlic medicinally - it is also a fairly strong blood...
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    Making your raw milk lactose free

    You don't have to get the milk lactose free. You just have to heal up the gut enough to get it to handle the lactose again - yes, it CAN heal up, and will, once the bacterial balance is restored in the gut. There are other ways to handle it. Most adults DON'T produce lactase at all. They have...
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    Need help picking an LGD for our needs

    Also, for what it's worth, we had a Rottweiler/German Shepherd cross. He was neutered, I don't know if that affected his behavior. He'd bark his head off all night at the wild rabbits, but he'd let the neighbors into our back yard to steal us blind.
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    Need help picking an LGD for our needs

    It is also wise to realize that there are often two types of every dog: Those bred for show - they often are bred for looks and not for breed behaviors or smarts. Those bred to do what the breed was bred for. Often, working dogs. This is a diminishing population - many that are bred as...
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    Need help picking an LGD for our needs

    We ended up getting an Old Time Farm Shepherd - also called Old Fashioned Scotch Collie (not the modern show breed). This is not a huge dog - about the size of a Border Collie, similar appearance. It IS a $500 dog - we were able to get a good deal on ours because she was born with a broken tail...
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    Plastic and Latex Free Diapering

    Ok... beeswax. Washing would seem to be a problem. It might lack flexibility in the cold also - could be a bit unnerving to pick up your baby and have his bottom crack! :) I think you could dip the cloth, then scrape it when warm, to get down to a minimum of wax in a flexible cloth. But wax...
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    Plastic and Latex Free Diapering

    BTW, WISE scheduled feedings will never result in Failure to Thrive. All of my babies started at approximately every 2 hours from birth. I didn't intentionally do this, that is just about how often they needed to eat. They gradually spaced out their feedings more and more. I kept them LOOSELY...
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    Plastic and Latex Free Diapering

    Well, my children have varying degrees of sensitivities. And Crohn's brings its own set of chemical sensitivities. If a mother has Crohn's, and the auto-immune factors of the disease are badly out of control (as mine were when I got pregnant), then her body attacks the baby very early on - this...
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    Plastic and Latex Free Diapering

    I saw the whole diaperless thing. I've raised 7 kids, and I know that babies DO give signs that they need to pee or poop. Problem is, that they do so AS they are going, or just SECONDS before. No time to whip ANYTHING off and put a baby over anything. I also know from observing and training...
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    Plastic and Latex Free Diapering

    There is a high chance that my baby will be allergic to plastic and latex. I can use cloth diapers for him, but what do you do for plastic pants if they can't wear them? No velcro, no coated cloth shields, no disposable diapers at all. Non-synthetic, non-wool fibers only.
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    Garden help

    We put a patch of Canadian thistle under black plastic for a year. It came up the next year undeterred.
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    Blood meal will deter deer. So will Miracle Gro Organic Fertilizer. Only lasts 5-6 weeks though, less if it rains hard. Best option is a 6' fence they cannot see through, they won't jump it.
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    Garden help

    We block plant. So the lettuce, turnips, and radish goes in between the plants in the blocks. With greens like lettuce, we just fill the whole block, and then thin and eat the thinnings. That gets us veggies sooner. Takes more seed, but the seed is less expensive than the veggies from the store...
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    Garden help

    We planted this year in a garden that had been abandoned to the weeds for years. Morning glory, goat head burrs and all kinds of nasty things growing in there. So we weeded as long as we could do so practically, but then at one point it just took off and we could not keep up. Several things...
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    Advise request

    Calendula or Hops tea, garlic, echinacea tea, and a few other herbs can be used (singly or in combination) to help reduce the chance of the infection going systemic, and turning into septicemia (blood poisoning). Pat is right, streaks up the arm toward the heart are an indication that the blood...
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    Advise request

    Calendula and a hot pack. Heat is itself a good remedy for infections. It has to be hot enough to be uncomfortable, but not hot enough to blister. One reason Poultices were used historically on wounds, is that the heat did drive out infections, so there was ample evidence that SOMETHING about...