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  1. L

    The Civil War Began...

    Oh, and I never said the war was about "freeing the slaves". I did state that the principle conflict revolved around slavery. The Confederate Constitution bears that out - it shows clearly that this is what the Confederacy felt was threatened, and that this is what they strove to protect. The...
  2. L

    The Civil War Began...

    Ok. I HAVE done the research. What I find is that the issues were either ones that could have been worked out otherwise, or they came back to slavery. For example, the south felt that slaves should entitle a state to more representation in Congress, because they wanted at least a portion of...
  3. L

    Migraine Headaches

    Migraines are generally thought to be caused by dilation or constriction of blood vessels. One reason that the same medications do not work for everyone is that it can be either one. There are herbs that can help. Valerian - be careful, it is not safe during pregnancy, and it may be addictive...
  4. L

    The Civil War Began...

    Except that, to a very large degree, it WAS about Slavery. The Confederacy preserved slavery as part of their constitution. It was not the ONLY issue. But it was the central issue, and the one that there was no getting around any other way. The other issues could have compromise and not crack...
  5. L

    Can you mix raw milk from day to day milkings?

    You may be able to tell a difference between milk that is fresh, and milk that is 1 week or more old. Less than that, it isn't likely to matter. The bacteria that culture at room temperature in fresh milk are different than the ones that culture at lower temperature in the fridge though. So...
  6. L

    Migraine Headaches

    One of the reasons why some people do better low carb, or gluten free has NOTHING to do with the carbs or the gluten. It has to do with the additives IN the carbs. Carbs are a primary source of food irritants. Preservatives are in every baked good, even in most organic ones (organic...
  7. L

    eViL cRaMpS!!!! >:-O

    Just pick the fresh new leaves in the spring. Any new growth. You can pick them into the summer as well, but we found the spring ones were the best. Then dry them, and put them in a zip bag or lidded jar, and store in a dark place. Any raspberry. Red Raspberry is traditional, but black will...
  8. L

    absessed tooth(gum)

    The problem with a tooth abscess is that the tooth (or parts such as the nerve) are rotting, and creating a pocket of decaying matter - a haven of bacteria. As long as the source of that decay is still there, the infection will come back as soon as the antibiotics wear off. Root canal, or...
  9. L

    eViL cRaMpS!!!! >:-O

    I've used both ibuprofen, and Red Raspberry, and found that while ibuprofen CAN be made to last longer (I had to take four at a time to last 8 hours), there were serious side effects. It can be a Central Nervous System depressant in some people, and I am one of them. Sleep apnea was not a...
  10. L

    eViL cRaMpS!!!! >:-O

    Red Raspberry also reduces heavy menstrual bleeding, by a noticeable amount. So does sage, chamomile, and a few others.
  11. L

    Can you mix raw milk from day to day milkings?

    I leave my goat milk out to curdle before making it into cheese or butter (the cream separates better after it curdles). Raw milk curdles and turns to buttermilk which tastes about like cottage cheese, and many cheese recipes call for buttermilk. I put each milking into a jar, and leave it on...
  12. L

    eViL cRaMpS!!!! >:-O

    Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. It gives me about 4 hours of relief. Heating pad, hot water bottle, whatever. Either put it on the small of your back, or curl up around it with it on your tummy.
  13. L


    We just use saline drops to rinse the eyes out. Generally the body will kick an infection on its own, rinsing the germs out helps give it a hand in doing so. The last one I had was when I had salmonella that went systemic. Pretty yucky.
  14. L

    Introduction & Uses for Old Tires??

    The sidewalls are useful too. Put them around trees for a water collar, or around tomatoes or other heat lovers. Curve goes up, or down, depending on what you need it for.
  15. L

    so, i met a guy...... <3

    Try Skype video first. That might help you do some screening. :)
  16. L

    Introduction & Uses for Old Tires??

    Pa used to cut the center areas out of the tires, so that it left just the sidewalls with enough of an inner rim to hold the shape. Ma used those for planters for tomatoes, cukes, potatoes (they still stack), etc. He used a chain saw - He was a logger, so it was natural for him to do so. But...
  17. L


    We moved to Texas about four weeks ago. Scrambled to get seeds (had to go cheap instead of what I really wanted), and to work the garden. We have about a 36 X 50 ft plot, which had bad soil. Situated right next to a goat barn with about 4" of mostly composted goat manure. Seemed like a match...
  18. L

    Experts Recommend Delaying Breastfeeding Until Vaccinations...

    I d'know, I thought lactation consulting was a waste of time. The whole "If you just do it right it won't hurt" thing... Balderdash. For some people, that just ain't true! When you are swollen up the size of cantaloupes with so much edema that there's nothing sticking out on the end for the baby...
  19. L

    Nice small Dell Laptop, and a Stock Trailer for Sale near San Antonio

    OK, we can ship the laptop, but not the stock trailer. :P Can provide pics of either item if anyone is interested. Large T&R Stock Trailer 24 ft, two center gates, escape doors on middle and front compartments. Storage in front. Wood decking has some damage but is solid, and covered with...
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    Veggie chips

    I haven't tried them - seems like the key for dehydrated ones would be getting them really thin so they can be eaten easily. Dehydrated veggies go REALLY hard, so if they end up even 1/8 of an inch thick when done, it would be impossible to bite a piece off! :)