The people we are renting from are just golden. Truly warm and wonderful people. She color coordinates everything, has more knick-knacks than you can shake a stick at, and always dresses like she's going somewhere. I do not consider them to be yuppies. They don't mind getting manure on their...
So we are out here in yuppieville - where "ranches" and "homesteads" don't ever have cows or chickens, and where most of them don't even have a garden. A few acres and a stone "cottage" (translate to "mansion") with a restrictive HOA is their idea of paradise. There are still a few plots of...
My sister sent me this book:
Full of activities for preschoolers, most of them are common sense things to teach basic concepts.
For dry scalp, eczema, sceborrhetic dermatitis, etc, try borage oil. Take 1 capsule per day. Works if you rub it on externally too, but takes three times as much and doesn't work nearly as well.
Adding coconut oil to your diet can help there too.
I'm nearly out of shampoo - just got a bottle...
I was told you need to either cook or sprout legumes for chickens. Most non-ruminants don't handle them well otherwise (including dogs).
Chickens also like alfalfa sprouts. In fact, they think they are candy. I sprout them in dirt, and let them get up to the second or third tier of leaves for...
Homebirth has never been an option for me. I don't go into labor naturally, do not produce enough oxytocin to actually push the baby out.
So first baby, water broke, had to have pitocin to actually move him. Hemorrhaged afterward. Second baby, water broke, pitocin again, she moved fast, was...
String him along. After failing to show, text him back. Apologize profusely, tell him you had to take your kid to the emergency room and had too much blood on your hands to text him and let him know you could not make it. Then make a second appointment. Don't show for that one either...
So hubby and I used to listen to a lot of music when we first met. All on LPs. Then CDs came out and he could not afford to replace all of them. Went for a long time not listening to some of the stuff we used to listen to.
In the mean time, we've done some maturing, have teens of our own, and...
Canned potatoes end up with a different texture than fresh. Best for soups and casseroles.
Dried potatoes can be done as hash brown type potatoes, slices, cubes, etc. Dry them for the end purpose. They will reconstitute and fry ok, but not quite the same as fresh. If you throw them in a pot of...
The good stuff for supplements is always labeled as Extra Virgin.
Extra Virgin means cold, fresh pressed. This produces pure white oil that smells like coconut, and sets up at less than 70 some degrees (I forget just exactly what the set point is), which means in the summer it will go liquid...
They've taken a few pieces of legit science and mixed them up with a bunch of folklore that has no credibility.
This particular bit of myth tends to be passed on by people who want to sell a solution for "correcting" your acid/base balance. The catch is, you never can. The criteria they set is...
Hydrangea Root. It is the safest herbal immune suppressant.
They've done some studies on it, and have found that it contains a component that inhibits the production of the specific type of white blood cells that trigger auto-immune disease. It won't cause an complete bone marrow suppression...
Oh, I ache for you with this. I've been there. My daughter has Fetal Drug Effect (from necessary prescription drugs when I was pregnant with her), and has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (she had a complete psych eval less than a year after leaving home, and did NOT have this...
The root problem in gout is an inability of the kidneys to remove the uric acid from the blood and excrete it as it normally would. You can adjust your diet to reduce foods that contribute to it, but the best thing long term, is to treat the kidneys and increase their function.
So, some simple...
I've always been really bad at growing in pots, and it is pretty expensive to do. The climate is really hot, so posts dry out very fast.
There is a garden plot, probably 20X20, and two more around the same size that were used for gardens at one time, all with bad soil. Bad soil is easier to...
We'll be in the Texas Hill Country, in between Bulverde and Boerne.
No soil. Just a thin layer of sand on top of rock. So it will take some creativity to get the crops in that we need.
Today Kevin is getting the hitch on the truck. We're waiting on a call from the Nissan dealer on the hitch...
Some of the members from church swarmed into our house today, and packed everything that didn't move, except a few dirty dishes and some things that I stood over and begged them not to touch. I'd have preferred the help more spread out so I could supervise better, but they came when they were...
I can't see how an honest person could do this. If you declare bankruptcy, you have to declare all your assets, which go to settling the debts. You can't go pay a year's rent with money you've saved unless you lie in the bankruptcy court about your assets.
I'm sorry that your family has to go through this. Hollow words, I know. The only thing I have to say, is, be gentle with yourself.
Make the changes you feel are necessary, but don't beat yourself up. Grief requires gentleness and patience. For your brother's family, the hardest times will be...