when I was a CNA the nursing home I worked in required everyone to be trained on how to use them,,It was a good thing,and we got to burn mattresses in the parking lot for 3 hours during training..lol.
same for me,,those people that dont have any cramps dont realize how lucky they are,,I DREAD that time of the month.I found keeping ones weight down helps,,seems like if you get overweight the cramps are worse,at least for me.IB and Midol are a must,but dont go overboard on them as they can rip...
MN,,once in a while I get some first time chicken buyers out of the st paul area and get lucky,,the rest I plan on bringing to an auction,tho I have seen big old mutt roos go at this auction in the spring for $25 each,,so heres hopeing people are looking for hens that are at POL and are willing...
middle river hmm..my old stomping grounds!!! there is also a headerite (spelling is not correct) near Glyndon and they have a store along hwy 10,,I have not been there but I am going next time I go to Fargo as my aunt lives only a few miles from there and loves their store.
I am cutting my flock way back,,no reason a family of two needs 50 hens..other then they are cute,,I added up what I spent in the last year in feed,,and I was NOT happy with the total..I am going to cut back to 15 or so.
marrying someone when literally 5 minutes before the wedding I am still telling myself "I have time to get out of this"..he is a X now,hmmm,no kidding right.
hmmm,interesting,,on the website it says it only takes a few pumps to get the milk to flow,,then stop pumping,then when the flow starts to slow pump again,,they have testimonies on the site saying people WITH CT syndrom find them very helpful..I dont know,,read a story about a draft horse...
I have been looking around here also,,not really to buy but just in case I decide I need one,,they are all over the place on price,,I see some just fresh does for $125 up to several hundred,,and I have seen doelings anywhere from $20 per head to $3-500 per head..this is mostly on CL,but they for...
I didnt know what to get from Baker Creek so I ordered the " large northern package" :ep I am very happy with what I got but I am getting some different squash seeds from another guy near me as Baker didnt send much for winter squash,,and I LOVE squash!! we are supposed to hit 50 degrees next...
thanks,,I did enjoy it,,and the pics are good,,yea,,my scoby didnt look anything like that,,it did when I got it..wonder what I did wrong,or could it have gotten to cold in shipping,the day it arrived I wasnt home and the mail guy left it in the garage,it was like only 20 degrees or so that day.