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  1. L

    kombucha scooby ?

    here is a pic I took,hope it helps
  2. L

    kombucha scooby ?

    thanks me it looks like it is chunking off,not a healthy seperation,,but I dont know,lol..I will try get pics up,and let it sit a few more days and see what happens,,oh,I did taste it,,it was sweet,not as sweet as when it started,but it has a strong vinigery taste also. :idunno
  3. L

    kombucha scooby ?

    I used the tea it came with,,from added sugar,it is falling apart,it never did float,sank right off and stayed there,I found another source cheaper,,I thought the "sale" they had going was a good deal,but after getting the DVD's I couldnt stand to watch them,to much being...
  4. L

    kombucha scooby ?

    I bought a scooby on line,,mixed up my tea,added scooby 3 1/2 hours later,,that was on monday,,today scooby looks like it is falling apart,,I am guessing thats not a good sign?..any thoughts?
  5. L

    Is it possible? Neutered but still potent?

    my neutered male will still ride the girls,,but thats all he gets done,neutered dogs can actually still tie,but no puppies..I have even seen gelded horses actually breed,again,no foals result.
  6. L

    Be carefull....nothing is safe anymore!

    many trucking companies around here have GPS in them so they can track the employee..some issue company phones that have them also..I have a digital camara with GPS,,I have never used it tho,never even downloaded the initial startup program..I do have a TomTom that I use once or twice a year..
  7. L

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    :lol: your funny..and I wont be killing off my hubby any time soon.
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    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    no I dont NEED it,,but I am a lot more pleasant to be around some days if I have it..
  9. L

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    my question is why WOULDNT you want 75 lbs of cocoa?..LOL
  10. L

    How are the gas prices in your area?

    $3.59 here today,,but I had 7 cents off per gallon from the grocery store..
  11. L

    Will trade gun related for animal and bird hides.

    my old boss tied his own flies,he always begged me for my horse's hair,,when I trim off the bridle path in the spring he was very excited when I gave it to him..he wanted tails but that was a big NO,,I wasnt cutting my horses tails off for him.
  12. L

    salad dressing

    thanks for the ideas everyone,,I will try them they sound delicious!!
  13. L

    salad dressing

    Hi all,I love "dorothy lynch" dressing from wal-mart,tho I know it probably isnt very good for me,and last night I had a salad and for something different I used some fat-free hidden valley ranch,which I havnt used in a 3-4 months,,now I used to LOVE this stuff,couldnt get enough,but after...
  14. L

    where's Blackbird?

    hmmm.I thought EVERYONE had BYC about drama!! LOL..well I like BB,,he has always been very nice and polite and seems highly intelligent..
  15. L

    where's Blackbird?

    yes I am sure its the same person,,I will tell him next time I see him he is missed on here..I know his goats have the best tasting milk I have ever had..
  16. L

    where's Blackbird?

    blackbird=merle from Benson,MN? if so that who I get my milk from.
  17. L

    goat question

    thanks guys,,it does look like something I could do then,,but on the other hand I can buy fresh milk pretty reasonably I just have to freeze some.I will research some more,I have had meat goats and sheep in the past so that part of owning them doesnt bother me,and I had a cow dairy in the past...
  18. L

    Grain/Gluten, Legume and Dairy free food ideas and sharing journal

    is he doing weight lifting at all?..if he is building muscle he will gain lbs at first.
  19. L

    goat question

    can a person have a dairy goat and only milk once a day,,say pull the kids off in the evening,milk in the AM and then put the kids back on for the day..I am really think I want one,BUT not sure I want the extra work involved.Its the time for me I guess more then the work.
  20. L

    Goat issues and questions

    Freemartin Doe This condition is caused by the twins sharing the same placental attachments, allowing testosterone to cross over to the doe kid and preventing her reproductive organs from developing..doe will have very small teats and vulva.