The cheap gas is just a penny under $4.Annoying,just make it $4 already! Noticed the bills are starting to rise.Just a few dollars more creeping in on each of them.Still getting some good deals on food.So far Aldi's is where I can get the most for less.Been trading eggs for wood.Wood is so...
Plastic fencing is cheaper,but wire will last longer. I have used plastic black net fencing attached to bamboo poles with zip ties.Doing well going into the third year.
Ground cherries and tomatillos grow well too. My big regret is not planting fruiting trees and shrubs the FIRST year we moved in. I am still waiting for my apples,plums,and cherries....but my elderberry,currant,and strawberries gave fruit after a year.Lettuce is a good thing to grow over and...
We have had increased respitory issues and I have little doubt the daily spraying overhead since fall is causing issues.It is never talked about in the news,but the X clouds(literally big X's all over the sky) is dropping something on us. Nothing we can do about these or solar flares. Doing my...
Happy for you.Always so exciting to start new.Be sure to take pictures.It is always amazing to see the change of a place over the years. I have been working on mine for 5 years now,but I am ready to move on if someone will take it off my hands,lol.
Good size lot you have.
Mine is under an acre...
I watched the movie FUEL the other day.Got me thinking about buying a diesel car and making my OWN fuel. Has anyone tried it? Anyone watch the movie? Taught me a lot of things I did not know,and there is a lot I want to look into now. Kids watched some too. I want them to seriously consider all...
My kids school got hail a few days ago while it was sunny and 80 at our house about 15 miles away. I have pock marks in the aluminum siding from hail a few years ago. I often park outside our gate due to the hassle of locking everyone up so I can pull into the garage,but I can't tell you how...
Even though it stinks spending the money when times are tight I would just have the unit checked and serviced. I do the AC in the spring and the furnance in the winter.Only thing I even smelled was a burnt smell from the furnace at start up in the fall.AC never gave off anything.
Nothing blooming here in NE Ohio except the usual spring stuff. Thanks to the 70-80 temps.Now it is starting to get cold,and I hope everything does not die. A lot of my scented plants are growing,and I am loving the smell from rosemary,dill,chocolate mint,lemon balm,chives,and even parsley!
Did not know some older cars get such good mpg. I miss having a normal car with a key and not all the fancy electronics. I REALLY miss having a pick up truck.Dh says people are going to Mexico for gas,but news is telling people Mexico gas is dirty and car warranties will not cover...
When I would plant I would get little,but then there would be volunteer plants popping up all over that did well. I always toss bad tomatos and pumpkins out in the yard. I like buying a few tomato plants since they are cheap,but I still get a packet of seeds to give it a whirl.Try both!
I got my seed packets and bags on the floor ready to go through .I know I will be growing the following for sure: Lettuce,tomatillo,ground cherry,peas,beans,tomatos,turtle beans,corn,zukes,squash,collards,mustard greens,parsley,radish,beets,chives,onions,strawberries.So hard not to be planting...
I have not read the whole thing,but I would not be surprised.While it has only been in fiction stories I have read similar things for the Katrina aftermath.Military(or any type of armed *authority*) can and will come in and take what you have and make you go to those refugee camps.
While I do enjoy the warm weather I am a bit concerned that we are in a stretch of 70's when normally it would be 40's. I just wonder what the summer months will be like,and the bug issues due to the mild winter. I have been moving plants around,but I refused to start up the lawn mower.
I kind of always liked the testing .We did the IOWA at home,and it is done in the public and private schools.They are in Montessori right now and they just test-no prepping for weeks to do good on the test. Just take the test and see what you know.That is how we did it when we homeschooled...
Lol, I had that happened to me one time on a mommy liist when I commented about avoiding a certain herb when you have a fever. I thought it was just a helpful reminder,but boy did they lay into me. As for herbal safety I agree everyone reacts different.Only thing I recall is giving my dd some...