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  1. Mattemma

    General meds and antibiotics?

    I think I read the book before,but just in case I ordered it again from the library interloan program. I am making some garden boxes this year and will organise my herb plantings.Right now they are just all over the yard,and I have to pick and smell to figure out what they are!
  2. Mattemma

    Movies FRESH and COLLAPSE

    Just finished watching Fresh and Collapse. Enjoyed them both. Good to show the kids where their meat(and formerly) eggs come from. While they did not watch Collapse(all talk) I did talk to them about how oil is not just about gas,but directly related to all stages of mass food production.Oil is...
  3. Mattemma

    earthquake ins

    We around near Youngstown.Had an earthquake a few weeks back.Determined to be a result of companies forcing chemical laden water into the earth-fracking.Sad thing is they are allowed to continue. Youngstown mayor quickly added earthquake coverage. I think we will too...
  4. Mattemma

    Broody Silkie Hen: CANDLING and HATCHING... We have babies!

    You are so lucky! I left eggs in the nest box hoping one of my EE's would get broody,but I was up to 10 eggs in there and no interest. Gave up and took the eggs out. Maybe I need to get some silkies,but I worry the EE's and roo would hurt them.
  5. Mattemma

    What's everyone doing today?

    Supposed to be nice this week so I am going to start cleaning up around the house and yard.Planning what to move and what to plant. Hornets got me one year when they set up home in my kids playhouse. I had opened the door and pushed the lawnmower in to cut the grass.You can imagine what...
  6. Mattemma

    Really Really bad neighbor problem help please!!

    I would move.In the meantime I would SSS the dogs that are a threat.No one should ever allow their dogs to roam,and if they know there is a problem it is obvious they do not care if they continue to allow it. I think it is shameful for a person to continue *as is* until someone or something gets...
  7. Mattemma

    how much for your farm eggs?

    I get $1.50 to $2.
  8. Mattemma

    Do I Need a Property Tax Lawyer?

    My mom disputed her house value with the auditor.She filed a form to dispute it,and then met one day with someone from the auditors office who simply asked her," Well what do you think it is worth?" They came to an agreement and it was changed thus lowering her taxes. I don't think a lawyer is...
  9. Mattemma

    offer accepted i got the house....

    Congrats on the new home! Now if only we could sell our house! I love watching the price go down on a house as long as it is not my own,lol.
  10. Mattemma

    Hello Everyone! (Newbie)

    Welcome to the forum!
  11. Mattemma

    What did you do to save $ today?

    A 12 pack of toilet paper is normally $9.19,and I got 12 on sale for $5 each.More money for the darn gas which has gone up!
  12. Mattemma

    Not ready for the Zombies? Take a course!

    I like watching the walking dead show,and tried to get my anti-zombie friend to watch it.Like this course(i SUPPOSE) it shows you the behavior of people in a pinch. Sadly people will sometimes kill good people in order to survive.Some people seem to thrive in this type of environment where...
  13. Mattemma

    General meds and antibiotics?

    Will add some honey comb to the pantry along with the other things.Thanks!
  14. Mattemma

    Solar Flare to hit on the 8th or 9th

    I just saw it listed on the news. I certainly hope this won't be the EMP moment I am reading about like in the novel One Second Later. I have to many things on electronics(like my car). I don't really care about the cell or net though! Atleast if it happens I will be home not stuck on the...
  15. Mattemma

    General meds and antibiotics?

    I do a rotation of OTC meds. I just wonder how I can stock up on antibios. I can not get scripts from the doctor unless ill. How do you get your antibios for a possible SHTF time when supplies are low to none? Would antibios specifically for animals be an option? Perviously we got a bunch of...
  16. Mattemma

    Harbor Freight Stove?

    I read some reviews on the leaking too. Wonder if it could be fixed.I looked at US stoves and they are 2k and up.Well atleast the ones I was looking at.
  17. Mattemma

    Harbor Freight Stove?

    Has anyone used this stove? Like or dislike?
  18. Mattemma

    Cultivating a small field with more than a hoe!

    I have been digging up my acre lot by hand for years now. Cleared a lot of brush by hand for our fencing. It is tedious work to dig up the lawn for a garden bed only to have it reclaimed by grass and weeds. Now I will use landscape timber to create a block,and I build UP in each by adding...
  19. Mattemma

    What I learned from the last four days without power

    I only lived a few hours without electric,but we did go almost a week with no furnace when it was 2-10 F. Also went just 2 days without gas and water when the water heater flooded the house,and the gas line broke. Just those short times without the *normal* conveniences really showed us how...
  20. Mattemma

    ANYONE do the juicing thing?

    I like carrot,beet, sour apple,and celery. My dd will only drink apple juice.