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  1. Mattemma

    we have puppies!

    Wow 14! Enjoy them.Sorry 2 died.
  2. Mattemma

    Eat the most??

    Dh and dd love meat.A favorite that goes fast is grilled lamb kebobs.Yum. Cooking it inside just isn't the same. Ds well he likes pizza. I like grains,beans,and stuff like that. I am into indian meals right now. All except ds love salads and fruits. A steak is a treat for us along with the...
  3. Mattemma

    Wood burner with 55 gallon barrels?

    Thanks for the pic tures and posts. I am not going to buy what the person is selling,but seeing it did make me wonder how well it works. I have read that heat from fireplaces is lost up the chimney for the most part. Curious on the cost to make it as well. I have seen steel barrels go for...
  4. Mattemma

    What time of year do strawberries & Apples go on sale?

    I get mine in the spring at the store....for plants. I see you want the fruit.Around here it is summer for strawberries and fall for apple sales.
  5. Mattemma

    Wood burner with 55 gallon barrels?

    I clicked on this thinking it was an old type wood burning stove like my grams had. Just barrels but might be good for heat. Anyone build one of these?
  6. Mattemma

    A garden tool I made

    Nice tool. I would use that in my garden.
  7. Mattemma

    what to do when your spouse doesn't "get it" that is!

    Sometimes you just can't make people see the usefullness of your choices. Just do what you feel is best and hopefully over time they will realise the benefits of your ways. If not that is ok I guess as long as you do what you feel is best. I do teach the kids a lot in hopes that they live a...
  8. Mattemma

    POO to gas!

    Went out today and the gas is up to $3.35. Bummer.Though I recall one fall it was a wee bit over $4 and we managed that.Hopefully it will drop some before I need to fill the tank. How long is gas good when you store it in those gas jugs?
  9. Mattemma

    POO to gas!

    I have not been out since last Friday.and then it was ranging $3.09 to $3.25. I have read barrels going up,so I bet I will see $3.25 or higher. When it hits $5 that will be our limit that results in having to make choices on driving.Even with a hybrid car the gas prices can be to much for us.We...
  10. Mattemma

    cat litter

    I liked swheat scoop till it got too dusty.Some use corn cob bedding or non-medicated chick feed. Reading the one post about worms and all really makes me want to wipe my cats butt!
  11. Mattemma

    Pink eye?

    I used warm compresses that had been dipped in eyebright and goldenseal tea water.Washed the eye area good with a dipped washcloth.Then put a clean compress on for a bit.Even just did eye drops of the tea. Cleared things up for me. I think however my dd was allergic to eyebright,so she was given...
  12. Mattemma

    Indoor Herbs?

    Chives grow good inside. My mom gave me rosemary,but I think I have killed one plant.Very touchy thing.The chives though have taken a beating(or ripping) and grow right back.
  13. Mattemma

    Stock up alert!

    I don't always clean off the shelf,but I couldn't resist when I came across some organic fire roasted tomatoes. I can use those in many recipes,so I got about 30 cans over a few visits. I guess that is nothing compared to the amounts some buy,but I still feel funny when I get 5 or more of any...
  14. Mattemma

    idea for a homemade rabbit wringer

    Thanks for sharing your idea and the link!
  15. Mattemma

    Anyone hand wash their clothes?

    I did it when I lived in Hungary.It is doable but very hard for the big stuff.Main issue was ringing the water out.One year we got a spin machine.I recall some had agitator machines.Lol,eventually someone put the 2 together to make a washer machine!
  16. Mattemma

    What's your least favorite chore?

    I don't like cleaning up after all the animals.Dogs,cats,chickens,rabbit,guinea pigs,toads,tadpoles. I would be content with 1 cat and my 8 chickens. I would rather do the dishes(which I hate) than clean cages and pick up poo. Oh I also really dislike scrubbing clean the top of my stove.Always...
  17. Mattemma

    Digging up my septic so it can be pumped. ARGH!!

    I just pumped my tanks.Lids above ground.Not pretty,but ornamental grasses take care of it.I think I have 2,250 gallon capacity.My neighbor has not pumped his 50 yo system in 10 years.I guess he is waiting for the fecal to bubble up into our yards before doing anything. I don't let the kids...
  18. Mattemma

    Pizza is now a veggie...

    I say congress is wasting time and money that would be better spent dealing with more important issues. When my kids were in public I found the lunches to be average in nutrition and VERY expensive.
  19. Mattemma

    So I get some spending money!!! Help me pick.

    Buy one kitchen item and then pay off the debt with the higher interest.Ours usually goes towards mortgage payments,but we used it all to pay off our car.
  20. Mattemma

    If you could..........

    If we had the money I would build another garage,and make the old one a game room. I would add a deck off the bedroom,and put in an enclosed hot tub. I would add a greehouse. I would line the entire fence line with something tall to block out the neighbors. I would add a pool. I would add...