My glass jars from the jelly are not the canning type.That is ok I will find a use for them. I bought some large and little canning jars at walmart.A tool pack.I skipped the canning pot with the rack for $19.Hoping my stock pot will be ok.
I wanted to take the kids to the local farm to pick...
You could grow some tomato and zuke plants in some 5 gallon buckets.Just cut off the botton.Can get the buckets free from restaurants or at dollar stores.
I just built a garden box with some lumber.Just a 4 x 4 box,but it is a start.
Plant some berry bushes.
Get an indoor/outdoor cloth line...
Thanks for the posts and the clarification on the pressure canner/cooker.
I took some tools back to my eldery neighbors,and the wife was canning some strawberries she cooked,so I questioned her a bit too.
She agreed that you need the pressure canner for stuff like green beans.
I think this...
I got a book on preserving foods.Started looking online. I was reading this one page and it says you need a pressure cooker to kill a bacteria/spore for low acid foods...
Do you really need a pressure cooker to kill off that stuff? Would a squirt...
Today the kids and I need to....
Pay the water and gas bills
Put money in the band so we can take money out
Get food
Take library stuff back and get new stuff
Pick up pizza
Then I need to ...
Finish taking my eldery neighbors fence down.She was being charged $300 for three 8 foot long...
I would do what you are and only do oral antibios if it looks like infection is occuring.I would up my vitC,garlic,echinacea,and golden seal for 5 days.
I had soaked an infected foot in water/grapeseed oil to kill off germsCut it open to be sure the GSE could get in there good.That worked well.
My cats still hiss at each other,and they have been together for 5 or more years.2 of our cats are sisters. I think you just let it go unless there is some serious cat attack fights. Eventually both will learn to share the shelter.
I have been using tote boxes for a while now too. Tired of the cats peeing over the side of regular litter boxes. Good idea to cut a hole for those cats that can not jump in/out.
I recently got a boodah litter box at goodwill for $3,but that is a nest box for my chickens.
Thanks for the posts. Hoping to decide what to do and built it soon.
Thinking maybe to build this one instead with landscape timbers.
I bought some 8 foot posts to make a cloths line. I was wondering what is the maximum distance between the posts?
If it makes any difference on the distance I am debating making a T cothsline line that will have 2 or 3 lines on it,or I will just drill a hole into the post to tie one line.
My dh drives truck. Beer is a common one to get stolen. He is sure to keep a good lock on the trailor doors,because some will simply steal a few items if they can not get the entire load.
Professionals say a baby can handle MANY vaccines at once.I guess we are finding that out these days.
I say to each their own.Some people want every vaccine on the market,and some want none at all. Allow people to choose. I don't agree with the mandated vaccines.
My mom had diphtheria as a...
I saw my neighbor hanging hers. I have wanted a clothline since she put hers in last year. I am making one. Dh bought me a metal umbrella one that broke the first time I set it up. Not MY fault the cheap thing broke.
wash cloth soaked in eyebright tea. I used that to clean the morning gunk,and then a few drops into the clean eye.
Might have tossed in a goldenseal teabag too.