I've been thinking about trying that... I've got some olive oli... a TON of honey and a gallon of ACV. One of my friends told me that I'm crazy for wanting to put something like that on my hair... but... all I can think of is "It couldn't hurt!"
I haven't been using anything at all and my clothes are okay. My best friend and I are always at odds because of us wanting to be self sufficient. She said once we get our farmette that she's not going to come eat dinner with us any more because we "eat our pets." :gig I tried to explain to her...
When we go to the store again I'll look for it.
It's not that it doesn't rise... he just says it's "too crumbly" to use as sandwich bread. I think he's just used to bread out of a bag and doesn't know what he's talking about. I have used my bread as sandwich bread and it was fantastic
I found a couple more hair care "recipes".. lemme know what you think
Deep conditioning mask- Using 1 small jar of mayonnaise and 1/2 avocado. Mix all ingredients, smooth into head being careful to work it to the ends, Use shower cap or plastic wrap to seal body heat in and leave on for 20...
Mmmmmmm! This sounds AMAZING! Fairly simple bread as well.
Is it good for sandwiches? That's my husbands biggest complaint is that my bread isn't good sandwich bread. I think it's mostly because I'm using AP flour and not bread flour tho. He likes to just eat the bread, but not for sandwiches.
*I* consider my hair to be medium length, but everyone else doesn't. I think anything shorter than touching your shoulders as short, anything from your middle back to your shoulders to be medium, and anything longer than your middle back to be long. My hair is almost to the middle of my back...
I might be able to get off with just 2 containers... we don't use whole wheat a lot... hubby thinks that if it sits too long it goes bad... so we just don't buy it. :/
Can you get gluten in the store?
I thought about just making everything with bread flour, but it's a bit more expensive than regular flour... and I do make other things that don't need bread flour (we make our own pizzas, cakes, etc) so that would mean that I would need 2 different types of...
I know this is a kinda old post... but.. a lot of people are saying that they put theirs in a gallon container. I bought a gallon container and it looks so empty!! Am I missing something?
I used 1 cup soda, 1 cup borax, and 1 grated Fels bar. Did I do something wrong?
Also... how much vinegar...
I used to make bread all the time!! I LOVE homemade bread. Then my husband said to me "I like store bought loaves better for sandwiches." I haven't made a loaf since. :(
I do make rolls and sticks tho still... maybe I should throw together a loaf today. :-)
ooooooooooh thank you for that!!
What's a sugar tub?! Our sugar comes in paper bags! (Am I missing something?! LOL)
How did you start? Did you just stop using shampoo one day and the next start the baking soda and vinegar? I'm really interested in going that route. I used to go a year or...