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  1. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    Can you freeze celery? We mostly use it for soups and such. I personally don't like eating it raw, but every once in a while the kids and the hubs will eat some.
  2. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    bahaha!! CORN! My fingers were going faster than my eyes! :P I can't remember why we decided to try the celery in pots... gimme a minute... it'll come back to me.. :lol: AH!!! YES! Because it needs shade... there's no shade to be found in our garden. :-/
  3. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    Well... the garden didn't do well last year. It was just toooooo hot! :barnie We've already got EVERYTHING written down for our 2012 garden. This year we're attempting broccoli, onions, chives, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce/mesculan, beans, vorn, cikes, watermelon, pumpkins, celery (in a...
  4. nachoqtpie

    garden plans for 2012

    ME TOO!!! Apparently I'm able to sow my carrots, onions, mesculan, and lettuce 01Feb!! In just over a month I get to start my tomatoes, eggplants, and celery indoors! :weee
  5. nachoqtpie

    garden plans for 2012

    1) How big is your garden area? Traditional garden rows / raised beds / pots or containers / combo? Is your garden on your property or do you have a community garden plot (or a combo of both)? Well, we have 5 raised beds, 3 more this spring. 1 bed dedicated to strawberries, and a section...
  6. nachoqtpie

    hair care?

    mandieg- how do you do that? Can you make up a bunch and just leave it in the shower or do you need to do make it each time you take a shower? Do you just use a little bit or do you use a lot? UI've thought about going "no 'poo" but I really have no idea how to actually do it! I'm a little on...
  7. nachoqtpie

    Who among you has defended the United States in Uniform?

    My husband medically retires from the Marine Corps this month. He was a Radio Tech (MOS2844)
  8. nachoqtpie

    hair care?

    So, I have been cruising Pintrest lately (Oh pintrest how you waste my time so well!) and I found a couple of home care recipes for hair. I told a friend of mine that I wanted to try one and she said it sounded really scary to her and she wouldn't try it. This is a hair repair recipe (at...
  9. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Sometimes I will add whole garlic cloves in with the last mix to have "garlic bread." Other times I will throw in some cinnamon and raisins! Good good stuff! :D
  10. nachoqtpie

    Kids or No Kids? How did you know?

    To be honest... I always said that I never wanted kids... ever. I was going to go to college for Equestrian Studies and from there go on to be a horse trainer, and from there I was going to fall in love with a nice guy and we would live out the rest of our lives as trainers/owners/breeders of...
  11. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    I'm glad you like it! I keep trying new recipes and hubs is always saying "Why do you have to always change things???" :lol: Like I said, that recipe is a great base OR stand alone. I made some sandwiches and sent them to work with DH... lets see what the thinks of the bread :D
  12. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    The 2nd time the bread was WONDERFUL! I'm not sure that I like it more than my other bread tho. It does make 2 loaves tho... so I do like that.
  13. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Oh.. it's okay... my lil man likes it.. LOL I'll go ahead and make another batch with yeast this time! :P
  14. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Okay... I'm trying to make this... and it's not looking like it's rising at all... it's been in there for about 45 minutes. Did I miss something??
  15. nachoqtpie

    Afternoon Tea anybody?Today's surprise!

    Mmmmm!! Those look delish! I wish I could get my husband to enjoy afternoon tea! He says I'm too British as it is by putting milk and sugar in my tea! :gig
  16. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    For those of you that aren't on TEG.... I thought I would post these pics for you all to see. It's not much, but it's what we have for now. I initially never thought of "naming" our garden, but, I posted a facebook msg to a dear friend back home in Ohio to tell her that we were "farmers"...
  17. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Mmmm! This sounds good!! I'm going to have to try this!
  18. nachoqtpie

    SIMPLE White Sandwich Bread

    Here is my favorite bread machine recipe! :D 2 3/4 cup flour 1/4 cup oil 1 tspn yeast 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 tspn salt 1 1/8 cup water (or 1 cup + 2 Tbsp) I mix it in the bread machine and then toss it in a pan let it rise and bake at 350 for 25 minutes It's REALLY good!! I sometimes add things to...