Can you freeze celery? We mostly use it for soups and such. I personally don't like eating it raw, but every once in a while the kids and the hubs will eat some.
bahaha!! CORN! My fingers were going faster than my eyes! :P
I can't remember why we decided to try the celery in pots... gimme a minute... it'll come back to me.. :lol:
AH!!! YES!
Because it needs shade... there's no shade to be found in our garden. :-/
Well... the garden didn't do well last year. It was just toooooo hot! :barnie
We've already got EVERYTHING written down for our 2012 garden. This year we're attempting broccoli, onions, chives, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce/mesculan, beans, vorn, cikes, watermelon, pumpkins, celery (in a...
Apparently I'm able to sow my carrots, onions, mesculan, and lettuce 01Feb!! In just over a month I get to start my tomatoes, eggplants, and celery indoors! :weee
1) How big is your garden area? Traditional garden rows / raised beds / pots or containers / combo? Is your garden on your property or do you have a community garden plot (or a combo of both)?
Well, we have 5 raised beds, 3 more this spring. 1 bed dedicated to strawberries, and a section...
mandieg- how do you do that? Can you make up a bunch and just leave it in the shower or do you need to do make it each time you take a shower? Do you just use a little bit or do you use a lot? UI've thought about going "no 'poo" but I really have no idea how to actually do it! I'm a little on...
So, I have been cruising Pintrest lately (Oh pintrest how you waste my time so well!) and I found a couple of home care recipes for hair.
I told a friend of mine that I wanted to try one and she said it sounded really scary to her and she wouldn't try it.
This is a hair repair recipe (at...
Sometimes I will add whole garlic cloves in with the last mix to have "garlic bread." Other times I will throw in some cinnamon and raisins! Good good stuff! :D
To be honest... I always said that I never wanted kids... ever. I was going to go to college for Equestrian Studies and from there go on to be a horse trainer, and from there I was going to fall in love with a nice guy and we would live out the rest of our lives as trainers/owners/breeders of...
I'm glad you like it! I keep trying new recipes and hubs is always saying "Why do you have to always change things???" :lol:
Like I said, that recipe is a great base OR stand alone.
I made some sandwiches and sent them to work with DH... lets see what the thinks of the bread :D
Mmmmm!! Those look delish! I wish I could get my husband to enjoy afternoon tea! He says I'm too British as it is by putting milk and sugar in my tea! :gig
For those of you that aren't on TEG.... I thought I would post these pics for you all to see. It's not much, but it's what we have for now.
I initially never thought of "naming" our garden, but, I posted a facebook msg to a dear friend back home in Ohio to tell her that we were "farmers"...
Here is my favorite bread machine recipe! :D
2 3/4 cup flour
1/4 cup oil
1 tspn yeast
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tspn salt
1 1/8 cup water (or 1 cup + 2 Tbsp)
I mix it in the bread machine and then toss it in a pan let it rise and bake at 350 for 25 minutes
It's REALLY good!! I sometimes add things to...