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  1. nachoqtpie

    Heeelp! Bread recipe

    Thanks :D I threw some french bread in there for now... I think I'm going to make some red beans and rice tonight.... or spaghetti... not quite sure yet..
  2. nachoqtpie

    Heeelp! Bread recipe

    I'm out of butter and oil (other than sesame oil..) and I need to make some bread! Any suggestions on what to use??? Oh.. and we don't normally have apple sauce in the house because we don't eat it.... :/
  3. nachoqtpie

    Home milkers-bleach and the septic system.

    what is milk stone??? (I'm trying to learn all about goat milk and whatnot so that way when we DO get goats... I'm not AS surprised! LOL)
  4. nachoqtpie

    Who was it here who sold the homemade laundry detergent?!

    sooooooooooo awesome!! Thanks! :D
  5. nachoqtpie

    Who was it here who sold the homemade laundry detergent?!

    wait... I wanna know this secret recipe! :P
  6. nachoqtpie

    backyard goat questions

    Well... I don't know exactly how we are going to do this yet. I know that we want to raise a couple cows for meat, maybe a sheep for meat, goats for milk and a horse or two for riding. I've thought about just putting all of them in a 5 acre enclosure. How much meat do you think a family of 4...
  7. nachoqtpie

    Anyone use hay bags?

    I'd be careful with haybags. We used to tie them up high and tie the long string to the bottom so they couldn't get their legs wrapped up in it. They're pretty dangerous if not kept off the ground.
  8. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    I really am starting to dislike beetles... :/ I love to look at other peoples gardens!! I can't wait to get to a place where we can really spread our wings!
  9. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    So far so good! We just started using it this year. This is actually our first garden! Once we threw the paper mulch on there... things started to really take off! Since we have had so much heat and not enough water this year.. I think it has helped. (What a crazy time to be a first time...
  10. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    shredded paper mulch. :D
  11. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    Here are some pictures I took last night :) Hubs watermelon. They're so stinking cute! Cuke flowers Tow-mate-ohs! My "holy" beans! :lol: We let a few lady bugs go last night. They really liked the fresh water on the plants
  12. nachoqtpie

    Home milkers-bleach and the septic system.

    HE IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! :love :hugs *sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread....*
  13. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    Mmmmmm... I was pretty young... but I seem to remember my siblings kind of coaxing them along with some feed... but I could be wrong. I'll have to ask my sister!
  14. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    It worked for us!! I don't see why it wouldn't for you! ;)
  15. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    :lol: We had goats when I was a wee thing (around 4 or 5) and I remember some of the crazy stuff our goats did! I also remember one time we took the kids and had them pull our sleds... LOL Of course, I'm hoping to stay away from TOO much snow!! I'm really hoping that we can make all of this...
  16. nachoqtpie

    Nacho - The road to sufficiency!

    01. Name? Jacque, Mom, D*mmit Jacq!, Nacho 02. Gender? Female 03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? World 04. What is your favorite color? Orange 05. What is your favorite kind of gum? anything tropical 06. How much do you weigh? Um.... it depends... :-D 07. How tall are you? 5'8 08. Can you swim? yep...
  17. nachoqtpie

    Home milkers-bleach and the septic system.

    savingdogs- is that a baby goat in your avatar???
  18. nachoqtpie

    Clothes line....

    I only machine wash my bras... I do hang those to dry.... but they hang over the washer... LOL The house that I REALLY want to buy appears to be out in the middle of nowhere... so I guess it wouldn't be too terrible... :P
  19. nachoqtpie

    backyard goat questions

    Well... we haven't bought any land yet... we're just trying to get an idea on how much land we should get. I think we're going to go with 1/4-1/2 acre of garden, 1/2 acre for goats/sheep, 1/2 acre for chickens (1/4 for eggs and 1/4 for meat, good or bad idea? or would 1/4 with a mix of meat and...
  20. nachoqtpie

    Clothes line....

    Oh I couldn't ever get rid of my dryer... I just can't bring myself to dry my unmentionables on a clothes line, and I'm sure my daughter will feel the same when she's old enough to care! :gig