Thanks Bee. I think I will document it this time when I butcher this years hog. Maybe I can get Em to make a video with her phone and take lots of pictures too.
ummm Sis? you know I throw NOTHING away. if I can't even save it it's pretty darn bad. It's one of the cheap metal ones like Pinky was talking about, but it is about 25 years old, rusty and that bad storm we had back a couple of months ago wadded it up and twisted it in knots before it blew it...
It sounds like you are making a lot of progress with the pig weed. I had to do a web search on it, I don't think we have it here. Not that I remember seeing anyway.
I need to get a RB feed ring too. Our knotheads are wasting more than they are eatting. I sooo prefer SB.
Well, Em gave up and called the vet's office a couple of hours ago, they said the surgery went ok, and Gus was waking up when she called. No other info, so still don't know what all the vet ran into or if the surgery had any problems. Be a stressful night waiting to hear from the vet himself I...
Bee, I'm no expert, just a country boy that butchers his own pork. What we call cracklins might not be what others call them in other parts of the country.
The "pork rinds" you see in the store are I think made of the skin, but I have no idea how they get them so ... empty? They are fluffy and...
:love I just LOVE that first one!
I know nothing about aquariums, but Em managed a fish store and owned a salt water fish store until about a year ago. She brought a huge corner saltwater tank when she moved here. We are going to set it up and raise sea horses as soon as money allows. Once we...
We sell our eggs for $2 a dozen also. I know a few people in the area that sell at $1.5 but at $2 I'm not even breaking even in the fall/winter. It does help pay the feed bill though and we get all our eating eggs free if we sell enough to break even in a given month.
Beautiful eggs btw. I need...
I've got a hog to butcher soon Bee. I'll let you know when I do and I'll send you a few pounds of them.
Do you like the soft cracklins or the hard squeezed ones?
When you find where they are just give me a call if you need help catching them. I'll bring the kids and make them chase them. :lau
Although if they are like our baby pigs they'll come to you. Even if the parents are mean, the babies seem to be curious little sqeekers.
well girl, you only work 23 hours a day. :rolleyes: Should have plenty of time for a yard sale. :plbb
We need to have one too if I ever get the energy to clean up the shed and yard. I'm sure there are lots of things in there we could sell.
Now go catch the piggy. :hide
Yeah, we are going to move our mare to another farm for a month. So far it looks like we will have to keep him up for a month and walk him everyday for the month to make sure he drains ok and doesn't close up. He said he could go back to the trainer and be rode after a month if every thing goes...
Thanks Deb, we are hoping he'll be ok once we get him fixed up.
The trainer called early this morning, the vet had an opening today, so Gus is there in surgery now. :fl He said he'd call as soon as he was done, so we are just waiting on the call now. He said we could probably pick him up on...
Not sure if she's egg-bound, got stepped on or what, but if the others are picking on her and they haven't been before, it's a sure sign something is wrong with her. If she keeps eating, drinking and pooping it's a good sign though.
Sorry I'm not more help. I've got hundreds of chickens but I...
Not much I can say but... :hugs
You have done a great job. I've been there and with much the same results in the end. In my case even though the person is now gone, the problems are still there due to his estate, taxes, probate, and so on. Sometimes I wish he'd never gave me POA or left his...
Dried greens? That's one I've never heard before. Be sure and let us know how it turns out! Our greens are just now coming up, but we are getting a good rain here, so I should have tons of them soon.
Thanks Cindi, and I do need a good farrier soon.
Those of you who know and love horses might wanna skip this post... I'm going to put in some pictures of Gus. (Yes, Em has already named the darn thing. :rolleyes:) Like I said before.... he's in pretty rough shape but then again, if he wasn't I...
Thanks Cindi.
It's just a crazy situation with the horse. We were told he was a three year old, but our trainer said between five and six years old. He's a full stallion and had never been handled, never had a halter on or even a rope on him until we picked him up Friday. He's ran totally wild...