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  1. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Wow, almost a week since I posted! Everything has been so crazy here I just haven't had the energy or the peace of mind to set down long enough to write anything. It's been one of those weeks that every time I would think things couldn't possibly get any worse.. it does. About the best that can...
  2. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    We have a baby goat! Still thinking there is another one coming, but so far one little white male. I'll try and get pictures tomorrow. ooops, supper's ready, more later... I've lived in Mississippi most all my life except for 12 years when I lived in Missouri in the late 80's - 90's and a few...
  3. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    :rolleyes: Now everyone will be trying to find the silly thing, so here it is; We all used to joke about it because most everyone that got together back in the day in our jam sessions made it at least onto the charts except me...
  4. mississippifarmboy

    SSDreamin Blessings and curses

    That's terrible, but not your fault at all. :hugs I agree, you did all you could do, you can't hold yourself responsible for the things other people do.
  5. mississippifarmboy

    I've got my eye on something, what do you think?

    I couldn't see her udder in any of the pictures, but I know lots of people do milk dexters. I've never raised them myself. Zebu I have had. They are a good small cow, but not as "beefy" as some other breeds. Just think miniature Brahma. I know people who milk them too. If you have a small family...
  6. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Shush Cindi.... Your embarrassing me. And I didn't post that song... I was being picked on. :tongue I just WISH I sounded like Sam Eliot.
  7. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    :yuckyuck Actually I was a ugly baby. :hide I've seen pictures... I looked like an alien reject. My grandma said once at a family gathering that she had only seen two ugly babies in her whole life. She said "Terry and Steve were both ugly as sin when they were born. At least Terry did get a...
  8. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Thanks. It turned out being a pretty good birthday after all. :)
  9. mississippifarmboy

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    You have no idea how hungry I get get just reading your journal. :drool All this talk of food... and I'm still waiting on my supper to get done! Hope you enjoy the vacation, but I'm glad I ain't the one flying. I'm a real skeerdy cat about planes. :hide
  10. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Gave up and took Em and the kiddo to the river. Just walked the beach, watched her wade in the sand, splash in the waves and look for seashells while us adults just sat and talked. Didn't do a darn thing except relax and recharge my batteries. I really needed the break from everything. Just got...
  11. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Thanks WBF. I appreciate it. Yesterday turned out being one of those days. I got up around 7 and the phone started ringing. By noon I was so stressed and mad I musta had steam coming out of my ears! I just gave up trying to deal with stuff and went to work on the tractor shed and tried to work...
  12. mississippifarmboy

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Ya found the rouge sow yet? I think you should just chase and catch the sweet lil thing. Carry her home like a sweet baby. And I think you should call me when you do so I can watch. :lau
  13. mississippifarmboy

    Pot bellied pigs?

    I agree with what Pinky said. I've raised them for years. I worked for the man that imported the very first ones into the USA. Yes, cut all males when young if you are going to eat them. Otherwise the meat is very strong. They also "should be" fed on only corn and water the last 30 days to make...
  14. mississippifarmboy

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Enjoy the visit and have fun! See ya Sunday! :frow
  15. mississippifarmboy

    SSDreamin Blessings and curses

    Same here! SSD, you handled it much better than I would have. I don't mind folks asking to see the animals.. that happens all the time. But walking onto my property without me knowing and messing with my fences, critters or whatever is a real good way to get shot. I have zero tolerance for that...
  16. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Hi Maschil.. Good to see another Mississippian. I'm no expert on self sufficient living, but I'll be happy to answer any questions I can. :frow
  17. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    I finally finished the hay rack yesterday. Replaced the broken wooden bars with metal pipe and finished the last few boards on it. I also finished the gable end on the front of the tractor shed. I still need a couple of more posts to finish the side shed, but it's getting there. While I was...
  18. mississippifarmboy

    How much toilet paper should we be putting in our long term storage?

    I'm hoping no one gets offended by this... This thread just brought a saying to mind my Grandpa taught all us kids. And a story about my ex. You have to keep in mind we were poor and never had indoor plumbing when I was growing up. We had a hand dug well for water on the back porch and an...
  19. mississippifarmboy

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Girl, I log on sometimes just to see what's going on on the "As Selmer turns" show. :P I swear, you are the busiest person I know. I get tired just thinking about all the running you do every day. Hope the dog bite is better today. I agree with the others too... you are a good neighbor. Kudos...