We've always frozen corn on the cob one of two ways. The easiest is just to pull the ears and throw in the freezer shucks and all, no bag or anything. Usually though to save space and keep the freezer cleaner we just shuck and silk the corn, clip the silk end to make the ears short enough to fit...
I learn my own way. I think a mentor is wonderful. There's nothing like watching a true craftsman at work. Videos are ok, but I have trouble putting my own "curve" on them. Books are ok for getting an idea what I'm getting into.
My way is to get an idea of what I'm supposed to do (by whatever...
I'm glad you found your way back too! I'm so impressed with the huge mushrooms and the pictures too. I love seeing everyone's beautiful pictures, especially since I can't take a good picture for anything.
Our's all free range pretty much every day, so when I mix new birds with old I put the young birds in the coop during the night then just turn them all out together early the next morning. I seldom have any serious problems doing it that way. There will be a little fussing until the pecking...
I know what you mean. I go out and check the stock every time we have a bad storm. I come in soaking wet, but I'd worry myself sick if I didn't go check. I would really worry myself sick if they were on another place where I had to wait until morning.
I hope the tornado and all the really nasty...
Thanks Joel... I'll check it out. Not much I can't do, just never was interested in mechanical stuff. Now that I'm getting older I realize I need to learn some of the simpler stuff at the very least.
Lordy what a day! :hugs I sure hope you can at least have a relaxing evening.
I'm having trouble with our electric fence too. They are great when they work right but a PITB when they don't. :/
Thanks :hugs
Right now the main thing I need is to get to feeling better, get out from under all this stress, and get myself in gear. These past few months have made me soft. I need to cowboy up and start building my strength and endurance back up. Some days I'm all excited and raring to get...
Not sure what you are needing in the way of equipment, but if I've got anything you need just give me a holler. Got a cast iron wash-pot for cooking out the cracklin's, pig carving knives, grinder, block and tackle...
It started raining a good steady rain here sometime the night before last and still hasn't stopped. We've had a few thunderstorms through the summer, but this is the first "farmer's rain" we've had since around May here. By noon yesterday both ponds were full and by now they've been...
I don't know know how much toilet paper a person SHOULD put back, but take it from someone raised very country..... (as in no electricity or running water until I left home) you can never have enough.
I'll admit I don't have over a month's supply put back right now, but I really need to fill a...
Had a weird day yesterday at the TSC swap. We got there and set up before 9, no one else showed up until after 10. I thought for a long while we were going to be the only ones there! It was the first swap there and was supposed to run from 9 am until 2 pm. We finally had 7 people show up to sell...
Awww.. I missed the broomcorn festival again? I need to make a note of these things, I missed it last year too. I probably just loose the note too though. I was sooo wanting to go and take the kids this year though. :(
Glad to hear the kids had such a good time.
The only event I even...
Glad you got your pigs home safely! I can't imagine driving five hours though... wait.. I'm driving six hours, each way, for the cattle..
Never mind. :hide
Seriously, glad you got them. And what time is the shoulder going to be ready? You really shouldn't have to work so hard canning the whole...
Ok, I followed advise and mostly rested today. :tongue
I did have a man come buy 15 of the started and POL chickens out of the cull pen this evening, he is on the fair board, so I sold them to him way under what we usually sell them for because it's for a children's program and 4-H. He did say...