Search results

  1. mississippifarmboy

    Anyone else drink raw milk?

    We can't sell raw cow's milk here in Mississippi, but can sell raw goats milk as long as we don't own more than 9 goats. Go figure. :rolleyes: Our ummmm barter? price would be $4 a gallon. If I was to be a criminal and break the law and sell this horrible, deadly raw milk. :hide
  2. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Well today was a rough one. Just haven't felt well at all. I didn't get anything at all done. I tried to eat supper, but just don't have an appetite. I think I'll go take a long hot shower and head to bed early. Have to go in to the doctor tomorrow morning at 10 to see if the treatment is...
  3. mississippifarmboy

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    Bee, I've been called a conspiracy theorist myself a few times. I always think of a quote I saw somewhere once. "It's not paranoia if they are really after you". I think most people would rather just bury their heads in the sand than to open their eyes and look around. Great post. Now I've...
  4. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Thanks, I really liked that story. I'd say that was a perfect example of life, death and rebirth. Was just looking through some pictures from this spring. This picture if I remember right was taken the day I realized something was seriously wrong with me back in mid June. There is beauty in...
  5. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Thanks Bee. :) I love fall too although spring I think is my favorite season when I see the first signs of green after a long dreary winter. Life is good.
  6. mississippifarmboy

    SSDreamin Blessings and curses

    Yup. Brings to mind "men in black" and such. But now I have to finish reading the whole thread... I'm curious. :hide We have lots of low flying DEA helicopters around here. Looking for.. umm.. shall we say "cash crops"? They could save a lot of fuel by just asking anyone who lives around here...
  7. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Aw shucks ya'll, thanks. "blushing" It's just a simple place. I get jealous of all the pretty manicured looking farms with nice paint and cute coops everyone else posts on the 'net. But I'm pretty happy with it. It works and seems to do what I mean for it too. SSD, believe it or not only a...
  8. mississippifarmboy

    Car Painting - Got it done at a cheap place - now what?

    ummm Rob? Don't get mad at me... I owned an auto body shop for about 8 years... 1) Not if you get a 299.00 paint job. :hide For that price you get the chrome and glass taped off, everything rubbed down with steel wool and the cheapest paint in the world sprayed on by the bottom guy on the...
  9. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Thanks Deb. :hugs WannaBeFree knew about it as she and I have talked about it (She's my neighbor sorta) and I know there are a few others registered here that knew about it from BYC, but I haven't figured out everyone's new name here except for Bee and a couple others. lol Woke up this morning...
  10. mississippifarmboy

    Hi from northern Colorado

    Hi Mickey, :welcome from northeast Mississippi! Glad to have you with us.
  11. mississippifarmboy

    HELP! The goat has lost one horn!

    I agree with FarmerChick. It depends alot on if broke off cleanly too. I've had it happen a few times, it's never a good thing. She will most likely want to have someone (vet or other knowledgeable person) remove the other horn too. In my experience a one horned goat gets hung up in fences and...
  12. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Ok, finally have a few minutes so thought I'd add a little back story. I am going through a real life changing experience right now. I'm adjusting, but it is a very humbling experience. This journal is in response to several of my online friends asking me to keep them updated and I am thinking...
  13. mississippifarmboy

    Building a Buggy

    X2 I just sold a two horse farm wagon last spring for $50 just to get it out of my pasture. I'm sure you could find an old buggy somewhere the same way. Even if it was junk it could be used as a pattern to build a new one. Just an idea. :idunno
  14. mississippifarmboy

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Ok Deb, you are gonna hate me..... Mosquitoes never bite me. I have no idea why, they just fly around my head and get on my nerves, but they bite everyone else with me and just leave me alone. Fire ants on the other hand... They must LOVE me. I get bit and get big blisters from those critters...
  15. mississippifarmboy

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    I HATE chiggers. It's seems we have them most of the year here. Not so bad since we got guineas though. I'm really enjoying reading your journal. :)
  16. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Well, been a crazy day around here today. I was up early, but too weak to do much except sit on the porch and sip coffee and watch the critters until around 10 am. The billy had gotten out of the pen, so had to catch that knothead and put him back up. Got most of my feeding and watering finished...
  17. mississippifarmboy

    Hi from a Brit in Houston

    Welcome Spike! :welcome
  18. mississippifarmboy

    How's your garden now?

    Our garden is about over. Still have okra and peppers doing good and still picking an odd eggplant or tomato sometimes. About time to till everything under and plant the winter greens (Turnips, mustard, kale, and such). We canned about a third what we usually can. The garden just dried up too...
  19. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Thanks Baymule. I guess being raised the way I was I have a head start on being self sufficient. It never fails to amaze me the simple things people don't know. But by the same token, put me in a city and I'd starve. I get nervous just going to Walmart. I've been thinking of doing a...
  20. mississippifarmboy

    Mississippifarmboy's Living Simple Journal, Ready for a Fresh Start.

    Well, I read we needed to start with these questions and answers, so here goes. 1. What state/province/country are you in and what is your climate like? I live in northeast Mississippi in the good ol' USA. We have very little spring, fall or winters usually, but long hot dry summers. 2...