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  1. stano40

    2012 Farm Days Schedule - Tractor Supply Store - Sanford, Maine

    Maine & the USDA are now requiring all sheep and goats being sold, traded or swapped to be scrapie tagged. All sheep and goats are required to have a Scrapie tag in their ear when they leave their farm (change of ownership) - no matter their age. Read more...
  2. stano40

    Soap Making 101

    I'm new at it myself but the old fashioned way was to save the fats from cooking, filter it out and use for soap making. So I would say yes as long as it is filtered really good. Remember that fry oil has been heated at high temperatures for some time and looses some of it's viscosity. You...
  3. stano40

    Soap Making 101

    This is my first time making goats milk soap. I'm putting together all the ingredients and supplies that I'll need but I have a question with the recipe I've decided to try first. I'm going with an easy recipe using lard and in the recipe they mention the optional use of borax. What does...
  4. stano40

    Are posters here HAPPIER having few men in SS Forums?

    If you want more guys on here just put up denim deb's avatar on every post and that should do it. By the way I came through the women's lib movement in the 60's and am all in favor of letting women do more. A very wise man once told me if you play stupid long enough your wife will do more...
  5. stano40

    2012 Farm Days Schedule - Tractor Supply Store - Sanford, Maine

    2012 FARM DAYS Schedule at the Tractor Supply Store Sanford, Maine Starting May 12th to Oct. 6th Every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. ** Rain Dates will be on the following Sunday ** Everybody welcome, Come and enjoy a buy, sell or swap farm event for livestock, poultry, waterfowl, farm...
  6. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Wow! What a great year at the swaps. Our first year for the Farm Day Swaps is at an end and I'm missing all the great people we've met already. There was a great selection of poultry, waterfowl, equine, goats, farm equipment, steers, even alpaca's and all the great buys at the Tractor Supply...
  7. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    This is it .... the last Farm Day for 2011 at the Tractor Supply store in Sanford, Maine. After last weeks rain out I am hoping for a big turnout for the last swap of the year. Weather for this Saturday is going to be good. Sunny. Warmer with highs in the mid 70s. Light and variable winds...
  8. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    It's September and the Farm Day swap is still going strong. With new people stopping by to buy, sell & ask questions the fun never stops. Tibbetts Family Farm produce has been a hit at the swap and I've noticed people driving by has been stopping in to check us out. I can't tell you how great...
  9. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Who would have thought Labor Day would be a great day for a swap? I was very optimistic about the day because it started out very slow .... BOOM .... it got busy. We sold out of almost everything we brought and could have sold more if we had it. Here are some photo's of the swap...
  10. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Sept. 3rd Labor Day swap This saturday from 9 am to 1 pm - Come One Come All - Sanford Maine Tractor Supply store.
  11. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Another great Farm Day at the Sanford, Maine Tractor Supply store. Some new people came in with pony's and more rabbits. Plenty to look at and now we are starting to see Farm Produce at the swap. Carrots, corn, beans, quick breads, peppers, canned goods, egg plant and more. Check out the...
  12. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    WOW!!! What a great swap with plenty of sellers and buyers. Everybody had a great time. Here are a few photo's of the swap, hope you enjoy them. Stop by and visit soon. See ya at the swap on Aug 13th bob
  13. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Aug 6th this Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm is the next Farm Day swap at the Tractor Supply Store in Sanford, Maine. Want to sell your livestock, poultry, waterfowl, farm produce or baked goods, then this is the place to come and enjoy the day. NO SET UP FEE'S New extended schedule for August...
  14. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    In lieu of the heat wave and 100 degree weather we've had the past few days I started receiving emails that some vendors didn't want to chance the high heat for their livestock and poultry. Very understandable, why put an animal in jeopardy. Unfortunately since I run the swap I have to go so I...
  15. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Wanted to alert everyone that is coming to the Farm Day that Saturday is supposed to be in the low 90's. Make sure your bringing water for your livestock and yourself. Most important on days like these are water & shelter for you and your animals. On July 30th in Kennebunk municipal parking...
  16. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    July 9th swap was a gorgeous day. I think some sellers didn't come because of the last two swaps had rain. Crowd's were a little thin but plenty of buyers. Here are some photo's of the swap. we had two new sellers at this swap and even with a thinner crowd everybody did...
  17. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Hi ya everybody, The next TSC swap for Sanford, Maine is July 9th from 9 am to 1 pm. Every one chant .... no rain ... no rain .... no rain I managed to buy a very nice bulletin board at a yard sale, so I'll have the dates posted and if anyone has business cards they can post those on the...
  18. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Last June swap was really great despite the weather and the rain at the beginning of the swap. Sorry no photo's this time, I forgot my camera. We had a decent crowd and everybody was happy. I learned the the TSC in Scarborough, Maine will be having a farm day of their own starting this July...
  19. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    Last swap was bigger than the last despite the weather. Come and join the fun. bob
  20. stano40

    Farm Day - Tractor Supply Co., Sanford, Maine

    The June 11th Farm Day swap was bigger than ever with loads of new people selling and buying poultry, livestock, crafts and wholesome baked goods. The swap was tied into the TSC rabies and dog training event which brought in a lot of people. The swap started off with a bang but didn't last due...