I've been doing a little reading on how to make yogurt. It looks easy but would like to know the in's and out's of making yogurt.
I want to use goat's milk and be able to use it for the kids (goats) to add the probiotic's necessary for their gut.
I've been thinking of either using yogurt...
1770 MAIN ST
(207) 490-0034
May 7th will be the very first FARM DAY/CHICKEN SWAP held at this new TSC location.
Come and join the fun - buy, sell, trade or swap
New schedule of events:
JUNE 11TH - 9...
Great photo's and happy goats. reminds me of feeding time for my goats. If they get out too soon for feeding they'll pin me in the barn trying to get at all the feed. Goats do the darndest things.
Howdy from Southern Maine and :welcome
I have black australorp chickens, goats, 2 dogs, and a garden that one year will actually grow something except bush beans.
Awesome looking plant. I've been wanting to plant it this year.
How do you separate the seed from the hull?
I'll have to order buckwheat seed from Johnny's Seed's.
Here's a pretty good article on Mother Earth News about growing Buckwheat...
Being from a Polish family I grew up with buckwheat groats as a breakfast cereal.
My mother would prepare it like you do oatmeal and as my breakfast I would just add sugar and milk.
It's a strong taste but I really enjoyed it.
Buckwheat groats was also used in sausage making, stews and in...
I think what I was getting at was a property management agency that would rent the house during the seasons, take care of the property and your father would be sent his portion of the rent.
Would he consider doing a rent to own for you.
Has your Father considered having a rental agency take care of the property and rent it out during the season's?
Might be something to think about and not lose a piece of family property.
You have no idea how much my wife wants that home. All she's said was how many bedrooms and she figuring out how long it would take her to travel from there to Portsmouth, NH for her job.
Alas, it can't happen with all the bills and mortgage on our present home.
It kinda looks like he's just trying to sell off another goat that he does not want.
I could understand if you don't have other goats since goats are herd animals and get lonely.
Maybe explaining to him that you do not want the other goat and that you others that this doe will be part of...
Ain't that the truth. But try to feed them food in a clean dish and/or watch the look they give you if their water is a little soiled vs the stubborn resolve in eating that twig or leaf they find in a pile of dirty poo.
I like that feed recipe that was listed earlier here on this thread...
Right, I am not intentionally going to feed the goats. More concerned if they get ahold of the plant that they won't keel over where you see little x-ed out eyes on them like in the cartoons.
So far mine won't touch acorns but will constantly try to munch on a very old Japanese yew that no...