I had a bad infestation earlier this year. I read about the salt solution, but I have a metal vacuum and didn't want the corrosion.
What worked well, and quickly, for me was borax. The 10-Mule-Team brand from Target or Walmart works, but is not pure borax. For tough infestations, or for...
Bragg's ACV is the easiest to find. I can get it at local grocery stores here.
You can also grow your own SCOBY using a bottle of purchased kombucha...
Yes, I do. It's quite easy and very inexpensive. I'll link to a couple of the best tutorials:
I've never been a coffee drinker, but I do love kombucha. I imagine that it would make a good alternative to coffee, when push comes to shove. It also has many health benefits.
These are pictures of the garden we built in the spring of 2009:
I grew tomatoes, green beans, serrano and jalepeno peppers, basil, and some other herbs, zucchini and cucumbers. I had a decent harvest, but nothing overwhelming. This fall, I have fertilized with llama manure and hope for...
You bloom where you are planted, right? I have been planted in the hot, hot Central Valley of CA, in a neighborhood, rather then in the Sierras. I love this journal idea! I'll start by answering the template mentioned in the sticky.
Name: HannaLee
Birthday: 1972
Hometown: Tulare, Central...
Thanks for the pom jelly link! Saved me to work of searching one down. A friend graced me with about eight dozen poms last week. The kiddos are tired of eating them and I need to get something done with them. :)
I certainly wouldn't pass up an All-American if it was cheap enough. I used a borrowed one for my first few tries at pressure canning. I had even planned on buying one.
However, I found a local person giving away hundreds of jars (WOOHOO!!) and he had a 1970's-era Presto that he sold me for...
I can help! Yeah! I have two Prestos and have converted both to weighted gauge with this product:
Make sure to read the comments, as the picture and description of the weight is wrong.
I have typed all my oft-used recipes onto a recipe blog. That was requests for recipes can be sent easily to that, instead of being written by me. ;)
I have them all ready to print off and put in a three ring binder for easy access in my kitchen.
I used to use 3x5 cards and a card file, but...
I've got applesauce going today. I have two cases of apples bought from a local store at .33/lb. and have a raincheck for two more cases. :) I used three quarts of apple pie filling yesterday, so I'll be making some more of that soon, too.
I would consider rabbits. They are such easy breeders you might never run low on meat.
That being said, I am getting chickens. WOO WEE! I have gently pestered my husband on and off for 14 years to have chickens. I brought it up the other day and said he would build me a coop. :D
Here's a page with ideas for blue jeans quilts:
You can make real cute skirts out of old jeans, too.
My family doesn't yet like squash, except in pumpkin pie and breads. I got some zucchini in them with this recipe.
Chicken, Tomato, Zucchini Stew
4 cups tomatoes
3 1/2 cups chicken broth
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp basil
1 tsp EACH thyme, marjoram
2 tsp salt
cubed, cooked chicken meat
This was some fun thread to read through!! I'll bite on the picture 'dare'. This is me a few months ago with three of my eight little Lambies.
Here's the whole family: