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  1. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    there are.... wait, what did you say? i think there is something wrong with my eyes/ears/brain. i could have sworn you said... but that can't be right. that's impossible. i mean, that would mean that i've spent all this time pining away for nothing........ :th where would one find such a...
  2. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    the stockpot of my dreams of course, it's $140, but it's beautiful and perfect... :drool
  3. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    what was it they had with their cream tea? something rounds... they looked yummy. of course, so do scones. i'm dying to try making clotted cream the way that lady did!
  4. bibliophile birds

    Carbadox in pig feed

    WOW! thanks for all the info guys! OFG: yep, that's the book that's on it's way. it's the newest edition (published last year) and i'm really excited. i devoured their chicken book, so it was a natural choice. i learned a lot more about chicken nutrition from some scholarly papers, but the...
  5. bibliophile birds

    Carbadox in pig feed

    breeding or freezer, we haven't really decided yet. the goal was to get a couple for the freezer, but my brother's fiance picked out a girl... who is really starting to grow on everyone, so for now we're holding judgment. i'm picking up 2 boys from a different farmer in a few weeks, so those...
  6. bibliophile birds

    Carbadox in pig feed

    good to know. she's definitely loving any scraps i give her. today she got some turkey hot dog that were a little bit past their use by date and she went crazy. loved them. so rotten fruit is good. what about slightly moldy bread? eta: feeding her apple slices is how i bribed her into liking...
  7. bibliophile birds

    Carbadox in pig feed

    so, i'm scrambling around trying to figure out this pig feed situation. since my pig was a Christmas surprise, i wasn't as informed as i would have liked. my brother brought a bag of feed home with it and i've been using it until i found a better option. well, today i was looking closely at the...
  8. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    did you just happen to find that on Auel's website? i don't check her site very often, but i thought i had everything covered in the whole "alert me to important things" kind of way... guess not. i've had my copy pre-ordered for about 4 months. i started reading the series when i was 14 years...
  9. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    ofg, did you have trouble finding the last episode of Edwardian Farm? i just watched all the others and then realized i couldn't find the series finale... NOOOOOOOO! if you have the link by any chance, could you send it my way?
  10. bibliophile birds

    Beekeeping...for those interested!

    yeah, it was super neat! maybe i'll try that whole "just slap the swarm in a basket" technique in the spring... or maybe not. :th those extractors were very interesting. now i'm trying to figure out where i can buy one and if i can hook it up to a bicycle.
  11. bibliophile birds

    Beekeeping...for those interested!

    there is a great bit in Victorian Farm (which is wonderful and totally worth watching) on Victorian beekeeping. the video is here- the bee bit starts around 5:40.
  12. bibliophile birds

    Ride That Pig to Glory

    i noticed that too but i got the impression that their MAIN source of feed was pasture and the corn/soy blend (which is pretty typical even with "pastured" pork). all the other stuff he mentioned was just fed occasionally when it was free. i don't love the idea, but i feed my chickens and my pig...
  13. bibliophile birds

    Ride That Pig to Glory

    they look TOTALLY mellow. if OFG tangos with the pigs, i hope the dogs know how to use the video camera!
  14. bibliophile birds

    Ride That Pig to Glory

    great little short film from the great folks over at the Southern Foodways Alliance about a South Carolina pig farmer video
  15. bibliophile birds

    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    awww! thanks. that is a seriously good compliment.
  16. bibliophile birds

    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    done. definitely didn't want to drag out details you didn't want shared (which is why i didn't post anything specific). i just wanted to send a little hope your way. and to let you know that we're all pulling for justice for you and your family. i know these things are hard to deal with and...
  17. bibliophile birds

    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    deleted to honor your request for more privacy
  18. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    they aren't really FROM Seattle, they are just living there for his job. he's from here and she's from Spain originally but lived here for a while (which is how we all met). they LOVE it here and would move back in a heartbeat if they could find jobs here.
  19. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    i desperately wanted to do the same thing. cuddle up on the couch with a warm blanket and the dog and watch Sound of Music or something equally old/amazing. but friends from Seattle decided to come down at the last minute, so those plans are squashed. when someone travels across the country to...