PS: if you can ever find the episode where the sheep fix up the tractor you might possibly die laughing. i'm pretty sure my 15 month old niece is ambivalent about this show, but we watch it every time she's here because I love it so much.
next time someone asks you what you do everyday as a farmer, direct them to watch this short video!
this is my FAVORITE kid's show. it's so perfectly funny and informational.
OFG, you'd love those bad pigs!
thanks FF. i've found some nice cotton duck and some nice twill so i feel like this might actually be a possibility! i'm making a body mold dressform tomorrow which should make this process a lot easier!
thanks for the ideas Pat. they are all good and would probably work well. i would like something that was waterproof though. perhaps the whole thing could be if i could find a cotton insert that i could wax...
i saw some Kunekunes when i was living in New Zealand (where they originated) and they really are great little pigs.
i don't think my little girl is a Kunekune. i've not seen one that had the white belt (usually they are solid or spotted) and i can't imagine finding one in this area- especially...
had i picked one out myself i probably would have gotten a male for just that reason. as it is, i'm thinking i'll just go get a couple of her litter mates so i don't have to make the decision right away. ;)
she's doing good. right now, she's living in the horse trailer. since i had no idea she...
this is the coat that i LOVE and would buy in a heartbeat if they had my size (apparently it COMES in my size but i can't buy it? it's really weird. maybe they are just out of stock.) i think i would need to add a good liner and wax it to make it really work-in-able, but the style looks...
would you mind sharing a link to it if you can find one? i've been looking through the Cabela's catalog and didn't see anything that looked right.
yeah. my parent's got me a really nice Carhart coat for Christmas which is a men's, but it is SO bulky on top that i can hardly move in it. i need...
so.... i've been searching for a winter work coat for ages and it seems impossible. when i find coats that are well-suited to my body, they are not right for working in, especially in rain or snow. when i find coats that are right for working in, they are so unsuited to my body that they are...
yeah, as KC said, we've had a VERY white Christmas, especially for around here. we've got 1/2 a foot of snow and it's still coming down (gently now though). here's some pictures of the farm all covered in snow (and the critters out digging tunnels).
here's that Christmas...
thanks guys! that's great news as i've read that herefords are supposed to be tamer than most breeds.
Sally, how old was your piggie when you slaughtered him?
this is what my brother got me for Christmas!!!!! only, he's a boy and not interested in details so he doesn't remember what kind it is.
can you identify this pig? she's 7 weeks old.
eggs are covered by the USDA, not FDA. so they aren't covered by this bill.
what it means for small farmers (make less than $500,000/year, sell within 250 miles of farm, etc), with the Tester amendment in place, is nothing. you still have to meet local regulations, but no new federal ones.
that is a great story! a true romance for the ages.
you and i sound so alike, even our stories (minus the love part... still working on that) of running away to the big exciting career and then booking it back to the country! ah, kindred spirits!
This post on the Sustainable Food Jobs blog is calling for essayist to submit work to be included in a new book called Greenhorns which is going to feature essays from REAL "new" farmers.
i can think of SEVERAL people on this forum that are just what they are looking for!
found them! i posted a bunch more on my facebook page here, but here's a couple of my favorites (that i've found so far at least).
i'm 3 or 4 in this. this was at the county fair and that sheep went on to win 1st place. it was on the front page of the local paper (very small town).
me and my...