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  1. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    OFG, do you make any feed changes for your turks before they get the chop? i've been mixing BOSS in the last week for some extra fat and yumminess but i wondered if i ought to do more. they are on their way to my tummy (via the freezer) in 2 weeks.
  2. bibliophile birds

    post-apocalyptic story ideas needed

    that's another thing i was thinking about. does propane become unstable over time? i know that it can freeze as the tanks get low, but i don't know what kind of issues you'd face tapping a tank that had been sitting for a year or 2.
  3. bibliophile birds

    post-apocalyptic story ideas needed

    excellent advice Pat! i've got TONS of ideas, but i like finding out what ideas others have about the subject mostly to see if i'm on the right track. but you're right, this project is really about the writing, tapping into that free-flow of information our brains tries to spit out constantly...
  4. bibliophile birds

    post-apocalyptic story ideas needed

    i'm excited and terrified that tomorrow is the day i start writing this crazy story! just thought i'd bump the thread to see if anyone has any new ideas. thanks for all your help guys!
  5. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    those were the kinds of days my mom declared that it was breakfast for dinner and set my dad loose in the kitchen. the only things that he will cook happily are 1) anything on the grill (except veggie burgers back when i was a vegetarian. he swore they'd take his grill license if he got caught...
  6. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    i do that with orphaned/abandoned kittens. i just put on a zip up jacket that's cinched at the bottom and pop them in. pockets are good too! but with a pup that large, some kind of baby sling would probably be safest. and i bet she'd LOVE some goat's milk!
  7. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    i had to look back and see when we were talking about Akitas before. you did make it a whole month before you caved in and got one, which is pretty impressive. i don't think i would have lasted that long... unless i got all particular and just HAD to have a silver brindle. but that probably...
  8. bibliophile birds

    do you buy ahead?

    they are also handy as moving vans. that's how my dad moved me from Charleston, SC to Knoxville. if you've ever been to Charleston, you can imagine how totally bizarre a stock trailer looked parked in the middle of downtown...
  9. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    i KNEW it. your guys are just as weak as i know myself to be. :D
  10. bibliophile birds

    do you buy ahead?

    i mostly agree with the others: buying now is probably not your best idea. you could put the money you'd be spending to buy now in a short term cd or something and get a nice chunk of interest for your trouble. where i disagree is on the UTV (all-terrain utility vehicle). ours has been pretty...
  11. bibliophile birds

    waiting to be self sufficient...looking at near by farm

    i drive over a mile each way to get to my chickens and that's ON the farm! i think it sounds like a great opportunity.
  12. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    what.... total.... cuteness.... too weak to RESIST! :th i knew it couldn't be long before you ended up with one!
  13. bibliophile birds

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    for you OFG, since i know you are prone to rapping. i want to hire these people to shoot MY farm commercials (when i eventually- or never- really need them). the most awesome farm video ever.
  14. bibliophile birds

    Free national webinar on grass finished beef

    Well, I actually remembered to be online for it and was enjoying it until the sound started cutting out. I was missing so much information that I just gave up.
  15. bibliophile birds

    foster parenting

    hahaha. maybe not direct opposition. it's all about the small things that are within our means. like fostering. we may not be able to stop children from ever being abused or neglected, but we can help the ones in front of us. it's a good thing.
  16. bibliophile birds

    foster parenting

    even though they would worry, my family would probably be totally supportive. we're a big, pretty close family. so any foster kid would instantly be surrounded by family. here on the farm alone are my parents, my sister and my niece, my brother, my grandparents, an uncle and his wife and 2 kids...
  17. bibliophile birds

    End of the Earth Postponed

    that might be the best line ever.
  18. bibliophile birds

    Wanted baby Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog near WV

    Our Booger was the same way. i've run into people i went to high school with and haven't seen in years and they will ask about her! she was just so smart and sweet and no one can forget those crystal blue eyes and crazy patchwork markings.
  19. bibliophile birds

    HOw old.....

    if you'd worry all night, even if everything went ok at home, would it really be worth it? probably not since i'm guessing the whole point is to enjoy yourselves a bit. and so much depends on where and how you've grown up. i grew up on this huge family farm, the oldest of 15 grandchildren...
  20. bibliophile birds

    foster parenting

    I've known I wanted to adopt since I was 12. My church choir did a Christmas concert at a local children's home and my heart broke seeing all those kids without families. My mom and I were at the store later that day and I just insisted that we go adopt some kids. When she, very logically, tried...