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  1. Mr.Andersson

    And these people vote!

    Yes, doc said I should lose weight first, but found it impossoble on the meds. Well, I lost 30 lbs, so I don't need the pills any longer, and yes, I followed up with doctor! I do think, those people are off their rocker though!
  2. Mr.Andersson

    And these people vote!

    I quit taking all my pills, against my doctors advice, last november. Mainly, I could no longer afford them. I tapered off over the three months prior. This was on my own advice. I feel great!
  3. Mr.Andersson


    Are you saying, the bears need protection from me? :lol:
  4. Mr.Andersson

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    Sorry, also everyone. I was trying to be helpful and educational.
  5. Mr.Andersson


    Yaw makin me hongry, bear tastes sooo goood!
  6. Mr.Andersson

    MarylandFutureFarmGuy's Journal with almost nothing in it....

    :welcome Tell us about your journey, thus far.
  7. Mr.Andersson

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    I competely understand where you are coming from. Yes, there are prophisys yet to be fulfilled, and you are not wrong. Not a problem, I will quote from the Hebrew next time. Sorry for the KJV, reference. I don't suppose you would belive me, if I told you that I do have a bible that is a...
  8. Mr.Andersson

    Missing turkey

    Sorry for your loss, sounds like its time for a little electric fencing.
  9. Mr.Andersson

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    There were over 360 prophecies foretold about the coming Jewish Messiah -hundreds of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus fulfilled all 365 of these prophecies. Of these 360+ prophecies, there are 109 that only Jesus (Yeshua) could have fulfilled. See complete list of 365 Messianic...
  10. Mr.Andersson

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    I eat Turkey Bacon ! :hide
  11. Mr.Andersson

    Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group

    My church is baptist, however we do alot of traditional "jewish" traditions, except chaunnakah. We have a few converts in our midst. Both are correct, no one is wrong. Jews were put in the middle of the world, to Share God. The laws require a blood sacrifice. Christ is ours. There are 613...
  12. Mr.Andersson

    Is 12 yr. old stored flour good for anything?

    Good to know, my DA would have done the same thing. :lau It would not have been funny then, thank you.
  13. Mr.Andersson

    What have you STOPPED doing and not missed a bit!

    Well, not a SS thing per se, but I quit drinking alcohol two years ago! Not an age/health thing either, just view it as a complete waste of time and money!
  14. Mr.Andersson

    Hello from Belgium

  15. Mr.Andersson

    well water problems need help

    That sounds better! I would also say that it is most likely a two person job, and at that 2-3 hrs of work not including travel time. Depth also makes the work more difficult.
  16. Mr.Andersson

    well water problems need help

    Well, my 1/2 hp pump has been in the ground for 17 years, which is probably borrowed time. Imho, I think that is expensive, but the tool to pull the pipe is $250. Plus he knows what he is doing. I would get another quote to be sure, how much was the pump you found? google, submersable well...
  17. Mr.Andersson

    well water problems need help

    Pull it up, out of the casing. The pump has become disconnecred from the riser pipe, either unscrewed or the male adapter broke. A little heat will get the broken threads out of the body, pvc softens with heat. Go back with a schedule 80 male adapter if that is the case, not sch 40. My...