Why on earth would anyone come that close to any plant, with a weedwackker? :he :somad i'd fire that moron, if he worked for me. The weedwacker operator, that is. I hope things start getting better for you.
Sorry for your loss. :( Without seeing it, from what you describe, it would be a death sentence. Hindsight is 20/20, you probably realize that you should have mulched, fabric first. Lawn cutters aren't the brightest tools in the shed. Maybe you could talk the lawnscalper into this, since...
I've got to wire mine up, to run my 220v well, ac would have been nice too. At least we didn't loose any food in this heat. Yes, I'm actually in the "outage area"
Well, I had a friend who loved killing cats, on the farm, in strange and demented ways, and He is Fine. He turned out good. I'm sorry that's all I have right now.
After that, I went to church to pick up DD, from vbs. Got back, n duckies were outside in the rain, all muddy. When I left, only lucky was muddy. Now I can't tell which one is "lucky".
Should we bring "Chris Farley" into this? From Tommy boy that is.
They actually ship "it" here in a local twp, from philadelphia, n spread "it" in there fields. Plowed in right away of cource. You can tell, cause "it's" got bits of paper in with it, and last I checked, paper didn't grow in...