Clove oil :thumbsup
Always good to have around, you may have to go to a ma n pa drugstore, if u can find one?
i open the bottle, put my pinky finger on top, tip upside down, back upright, n apply with finger. Seems like qtip, puts way too much on, n wastes alot, does shock u the first time u...
Just crush up the Jewelweed in your hands, and rub it on. I use it all the time. It is found in wetlands and streambeds, it is related to the flower impatients.:D
Take rt 896 next time you go, very nice drive. Take 95 down to it, much better than rt 41, no trucks! You actually get to see tons of farms like this, I took 41 back, and couldn't believe the developments and having to watch the road very carefully. it is possibly 8 miles south of 30...
I only had water in a 4" deep rubber dog dish for them. I thought they may try to get in , but didn't. Momma took a dirt bath , next to them thought. They never got more than 30' from the coop today. I tried to post picks, but I uploaded them. Guess I actually have to sit down, at my...
Projects, I can't quite figure out how to copy and paste, or spellcheck with my android.
I believe I succesfully integrated today. All 8 ducklings are fine, I lost one new rooster thurs. The loss was due to lack of water, being spilled, or diet change?
I kicked chickens all out of coop...
gd, yes I have yotes here too. The coop wasn't locked up by me. I lock every night now! I am going to reinforce the bottom 4', I have some 1/2" hardware cloth. The hens were beheaded, and eaten one by one, after being left scattered throughout the woods. All 7 were killed the same night not...