A skid steer, with tracks, instead of tires, would do the least damage to lawn areas. It works great, even if it is raining, tires may dig in. A 150 model, is rated to lift 1500 lbs.
IMO, our urban footprint does the same thing, we build a road, house, etc, it all has an impact on the environment. Localized warming is all though, I believe the cycles of the sun have more to do with the larger picture of global warming.
So, besides trimming off the dead, when should a young tree be pruned? As in don't prune too heavily until it reaches 10' in height? Don 't worry about it for the first 5-7 years? I don 't know, my trees are 20 plus years old, but plan on getting more this year.
See Deb's peach blossom pic at top left, "pic of the week".
I do everything organic, so I let the insects have at it. I thin out two or three times, by getting rid of damaged fruit, so I end up with half of the harvest. The tree puts the remaining energy into growing the fruit, that it...
Nice info.~gd
My input as a berrier, buy everbearing raspberries (primocanes). My first year shoots, do not produce any fruit (floricanes). I cut them at the end of the second season, because they do not produce again either. The new canes will be your new fruit bearers. I have a lot of...
Lets remember the good ol days, when I started driving, gas was .59$ a gal, n diesel was .29$. Wow, just noticed I don't have a cents key anymore either.
Argh... I plunder & appropiate, I may be a pirate, but I sure won't spend gas money to drive to a store, to pay for something someone else considers trash, or a weed. Hence my skull pic! I looted that too!
As for my secret gardens, my neighbor does not "farm" his hedgerows, so I do...
Guess I have a new movie to watch.
I thought about it, but figured as soon as I do, so will a lot of other people. I used to have a 1980? VW rabbit that got 50 mph, wishin I still had it.
Wow, rhonda, what mean neighbirs. If you were my neighbor, you could weed, all you wanted to. I've got more than enough. So much for allowing others to Gleen.
I've found that my secret gardens of berries do much better, on the north hedgerow of a field, south side of the hedge.