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  1. Mr.Andersson

    how big of a house do you need?

    Wow, i'm rockin at 1,000 sq ft, including the basment stairwell. Thats where the washer and dryer are perched, there's "bugs" in the basement, lol. Wife don't know there are snakes down there too! So, I am blessed. I gew up in a 3,000 sq ft home, and did not wish to work, just to pay taxes...
  2. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    I belive my only mistake was the first! Average rainfall of 2", would yield 3,600 gals. I'm thinking, (scary) that storing march, april, may & june rainfall amounts, that would be a max of 16" of rain? That would be storage of 28,000 gals, which does not look like it will go very far, as far...
  3. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    I may have made one mistake, given my formula, .62 gals per sq ft @ 1" depth, x 3000 sq ft, is 1860 gallons per inch of rainfall, thats what I get for looking at someone elses website. So, at 40" for the year is 75,000 gallons? Another site said a 5,600 gal cistern would be what we want, i'm...
  4. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    I'm thinking that watering would mainly occur during july/august? I still haven't double checked all my numbers. Possible delivery systems have my thoughts. I was thinking a cistern would be an expensive option. Above ground tanks, plumbed together, would surely be less expensive, which is...
  5. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    .62 gals, covers one sq ft, at 1" depth. watering at approx 1/2" is .31 gals. 43,250 sq ft per acre. 13,500 gals per acre, wow. Cost for city water? Dust control at maybe 1/4"? Single application could still be 6,500 gals per acre. I will check my figures at work tommorrow, feel free to...
  6. Mr.Andersson

    Tornado Tutorial

  7. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    Im approxamating, but a single 2" rainfall will yeild approx 12,000 gals off that roof. I think a towable tank is an excellent idea, for the large area, and cost. Pasture area, should recieve approx 1" water/rain per week. July/august I water about 50% more, and water every 2nd/3rd day. One...
  8. Mr.Andersson

    How do you recondition a common hydraulic bottle jack?

    Unfortunately, my father, or gramps would do this and not share how! I was taught to do everything myself, except for this.
  9. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    I meant small commercial, not residenttial, lol. The tractor idea is great. How many acres of pasture? Pics would be great, I will try to come up with a cistern size for you. The pond (small system), would just be less work/cheaper than a cistern. Would it be possible to put 1500 gallon...
  10. Mr.Andersson

    Is this where I say hello????

    :welcome i saw the show as well! Great to have you here!
  11. Mr.Andersson

    Water Collection/Use

    I am an irrigation tech. start small, any system can be improved, modified, added on to. A retention pond with an overflow pipe running downhill maybe one solution. If the cistern/pond has enough elevation, it could be gravity fed. A 50 ft height diff may give you around 30 psi. Gallons per...
  12. Mr.Andersson

    Help with Hardened Tomato Powder after Opening can

    Expiration dates, are mainly put on for taste. Best if used by. Elsewhere in the world, many eat rancid food. We don't waste very much food in my house, if it's green, just scrape that off!
  13. Mr.Andersson

    What's everyone doing today?

    Church, chores, probably make Sweedish pancakes for lunch, with my 9 yr old daughter. Sunday is family dinner night with the inlaws, we are hosting tonight, and cooking.
  14. Mr.Andersson

    Solar Flare to hit on the 8th or 9th

    Funny, watched Preppers last night, and one guy proposed this as being the reason he was prepping. Wake up this morning, and solar flare is on news, I thought I was still dreaming.