WOW!! ARaven thats fantastic... i think i even knew about it but it didnt make sense when i was reading the info.
* conks self on head * now i get it! whooot!
i'm working on apple butter and more tomato sauce today - its all canning all the time for sure.
thanks homemaker - we're in the same situation but i'm thinking our varmints are bigger. all my corn is getting knocked down! and then eaten. grrrr.....
hi Free!
well. we survived Salsa Fest 2011.. the house barely made it i think i used every big pot we have.....including....
whoooot! thats right - i ran right out and ordered myself a second 23 quart presto canner, baby!!!!!!
its my dream come true - now i can can can can can...
purse!?! i dont need no stinkin' PURSE!!!!
i kid you not - right now all my cash, id, and cards and clipped together with a big binder clip and shoved in my pocket! ha!
*snort* i dont even know what TBM would do if i came walkin out of the house with a purse - he'd probably think i actually...
holy guacamole!
you guys have to try this...
* sets out platter of chips and hot salsa poured over goat cheese *
this is sooooo good! yum!!!!!!
* sets out pitcher of margaritas *
and these arent bad either.. thank heaven i'm not milking them goats tonite but someone make sure i at least...
well there was a famine in the salsa land.. just as predicted in the Parable of the Empty Onion i had to go and get more. we're ready for action now tho! whooot!
the house smells like a fiesta heaven...
what this old thing? *OFG pulls out centuries old scroll* me and Nibbles found it when we were spelunking in the back of the property..
they told me on Antiques Roadshow that it wasnt worth anything.
the Book of Jose goes on to say something about preparing a taco in the presence of mine...
i think i've seen it in there.. from the Book of Jose chapter 3 vrs 5-10:
prepareth thou the peppers in the ways of your fathers, then get thee onions and cilantro...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
omg i'm gonna laugh about that all day!
ha! i thought... the New Testament has an enchilada sauce recipe????? ha ha ha ha ha !! but got it.. nourishing traditions.. ha ha ha ha
right now i'm on the Zesty Salsa from the Ball book. whoot!
and now for today's episode of She said WHAT?!?! also known as "what happened at the MIL's yesterday"
as you recall i opted out of the reunion for the 3rd cousin, second removed on the MIL's mother's side. and i was so glad - saturday was a great day. i got a lot done, sat around, played with...
hee hee *blink blink* - steal away!
onward and upward.. and great work getting thelma to the butcher. it will be just fine. she had a good ol life and will be appreciated in the freezer.
thanks Valmom! and sure! enjoy your copy all you'd like.
no surprise here... late for church!!! whooooot!
and no i didnt go to the family reunion yesterday. word is the MIL dusted off ancient her family reunion snack carrier....and put costco cookies in it. takes all kinds i guess.
thanks Britsea.. and aw shucks and all.. just my dabbling.... and me stringing together every famous scifi battle scene already ever written with barnyard folks as the main characters.
my fav character is our good old hen Franhilde as my standard bearer.... i just love that. i think she's...
ha! glad you stopped by FJ!
and really THANKS for the fun idea... no real blame. and now i can change the title of the post... hee hee hee "made ya look!"
- ofg, can roll a hard six and doesnt flinch