ha! nope we dont call them puppies but its gonna take me a while to stop with Kai...she's such a goof. we cant believe she's a year old!
i call Titan "Sir" most of the time...hee hee hee and i think he calls me "The Old Man" behind my back.
i think i'm gonna work in some more Battlestar...
i blame FarmerJamie entirely for this - he started it. and Sunsaver too - its kinda his fault also.
anyway - this should answer the question, "what do you do when you're waiting for the canner to finish processing?"
you might want to get a cuppa joe - this goes on for a while and you might...
i've watched mommies change their babies ON THE TABLE at fast food restaurants, then pick up their burgers and eat like nothing happened.
so i'm more worried about being out in the general population than anything in this article.
that being said... what can you do with store food...
wait - did i miss something? do i need to run over there and start swinging???
*goes back and reads*
ahhh... got it. um i think there are more folks over there looking for alternatives... you might give it a go. but let us know so we can stand behind you. and yeah kstaven is the BUSINESS. he...
easy peasy! check it out:
and yep you use rennet and a culture to get that cheesey-liciousness.
i've got some straining right now and we use it for everything. i especially love it in pasta (ad a scoop...
great googlymoogley its a big ol' filkin' rage fest! whooooooot!
amazing work everyone! especially the dueling filkers!!
so i went and got our "free" dumpster cat from the Good Vet. we all had a hoot over the extra nipples, agreed we should NOT name her Nipples....and then i handed over all my...
* in the corner of the goat yard Nibbles quietly pulls out a well worn single of Maggie's Farm, holds it to her chest, bitter tears roll down her cheeks as she sings to herself
...." I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more
No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more...."
Nibbles takes...
aint that right. its somewhere between a Klingon Training Academy and a triple-max prison. A no-daylight slam.
who on EARTH would think this is relaxing?
ha! java - there's no boyz around here... yet
Tanks - all Kai wants is a piece of them big meat bags... i mean goats. hee hee heee.... now i can call back Titan ... but My Fighting Uruk-Hai.. um... don't know if i could call her off...that could be a one way ticket. zoikes!
well the Full Moon of the Bat Sh!tcrazy Goat has passed.... but not without incident.
all y'all know that i'm not a goat snuggler. or goat smoocher. Sunny was so happy to get back to her home herd because no one here kissed her. altho the dog really wanted to...but more in a "he aint...
oh golly this could be a contender...... "here Schnipples!"
but nubbins is pretty good too.
*OFG thinks about Icu4dzs's observation, wonders.....*
hey! do you think i could milk Little Nipples???? i could make cat cheese! with all them extra nipples i'd have plenty of milk!
and i could...
* OFG puts a paper bag over her head *
omg.... how on EARTH would i call the vet to tell them that Lil Nips has a fever?
me: Nipples is over heated!!!! i need you so see hot little....
******************** We interrupt this terribly immature thread to redirect the public back to cutting the...