Sorry about German people general . I guess I should have said Nazis and some Nazi programs that we continued after the war. :(
All I can think of is this test Milgrams Experiment. I have a friend who took part in this test and we was...
You should read James Rawles Survivors. :) There's a section about just what you are saying about subdivisions. :) American houses burn easy and defend like castles with big windows. Concrete and bricks are your friends. Like the army teaches. Make sure there is thickness between you and...
We are up to 230 a cord for hardwood on the island. I have to agree with a post from before. Seems like even the small guys cutting wood are screwing people. Everyone wants there 50.00 or more an hr for there time. :( Then they expect you to give them a break when they need you to do...
Yup, I have to agree till it over, sell what is yours or what you are allowed to. Move on but take care of gram. I would never let hose that can't see past there own noses potentailly gain off from my hard labor and love. Family greed sucks. The smell of money makes family do and say some...
Our phone, electric and internet is 105.00 a month. We don't have TV or high end internet. We have no need for it. I'm not a youtube buff or any of that. E-mail, research, and selling things in te main reason for internet.
We started cutting things back right after 9/11 . We are frugal...
Highjack away!!! I've completed my part and now we have wonderful discussions. This is great :)
I think the septic, roof, well and furnace are the most inportant parts of owning a house. So any topics on these subjects can help, I hope.
I see it as a control issue. The guberment will help you!! The guberment will help you!! Makes me wonder what german brainwashing they have in the signal. IMHO Just my conspiracy tail twitching. I know I'm nuts but yeah soon I'm sure I'll be one of the normal people. Especially whe the...
Everyday I try and find deals and items I can use. I'm self-employed and do a bit of running around. SO, I get to stop and check things out that interest me. Today I ran into a guy that I sold an old 1994 volvo wagon that I bought cheap. The guy lost my bill of sales so he needed a new one...
I hear ya There's a lot of you should and you don't need to out there. I'm just going to keep my concsiense in check with pumping. I do have another leech field but would have to have a pump put in. That would only cost me 2000.00 to do. Sounds better than 8-10 grand. Life in the country. :)
He's here right now pumping. I'll let you all know how much. Thanks Don
I'm back yup 350.00 ARGH!!! would have been 500 if I had them dig up the tank. Atleast that makes me feel some what bettah. That is one of the probs living on this island. Things are expensive but then again...
There's a lot of SHUT out there right now. Personally I think some it is hitting the fan. We are seeing some of the splatter everday. I'm not to worried about Iran to much. I'm more concerned with domestic issues at this time. I think Syrian action is more likely. IMHO.
At the start...
I am for sure going to build something so I don't have to dig in the future. That is for sure. As for the pumping. I am in the same boat with you. Cheaper to pump it that replace a 10,000 septic system maybe. I figure pump every 4 yrs for 3-400.00 I should be fine for the rest of my life...
FOUND IT!!! :thumbsup I have an old septic and my father in law didn't take care of it before be got in the house 6 yrs ago. I am having pumped just in case this yr. We are no longer putting our toilet paper down it and our washer and kitchen sink are on grey water now. We should be good...