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  1. bjmstahl

    Foraging for Food- The weed identification thread.

    I enjoy watching EatTheWeeds video. Just google it. The guy also has a website. Pretty interesting.
  2. bjmstahl

    Tiny Houses

    Check out Tiny House Blog.
  3. bjmstahl

    pics of my goats and around the farm

    Yes, I agree with you ohiogoatgirl that laying in the sun is great. Especially after the winter and spring we have had. It's rejuvenating. I look forward to getting Auel's latest book. I'm saving it for the trip my husband and I are taking in June. We're visiting our daughter and...
  4. bjmstahl

    pics of my goats and around the farm

    I like the names you have for your goats. You must be a Jean Auel fan. I love her books. Nice pics by the way. Oh and does Dad have plumbers backside?:lol:
  5. bjmstahl

    Garden help

    I like Iwheelr's idea.
  6. bjmstahl

    Please help me find a catalog.. Lehmans I love this catalog. So many cool things.:frow
  7. bjmstahl

    Garden help

    Rent a tiller and turn the weeds under.
  8. bjmstahl

    Trying new foods.....maybe.

    I agree Denim Deb, when we lived in Florida we used squid for bait, but my son-in-law loves it. Of course, he is a little different (but I love him.):)
  9. bjmstahl

    Trying new foods.....maybe.

    I've eaten goat, snails (escargoe? not sure of the spelling), squid :sick, and turkey nuggets ;). Didn't enjoy the snails, or the squid.
  10. bjmstahl

    New beek. New pictures and new questions

    Pollen is not shiny and bees don't populate the frame with pollen and honey together.
  11. bjmstahl

    New beek. New pictures and new questions

    Hi mandieg4, The "orange stuff" in the first picture looks like honey. Honey can be many different shades. It depends on were the bees get the nectar. I'm not sure about the second picture. In the third picture, that does look like the queen. You have a very good eye if you can pick out...
  12. bjmstahl

    Stuff you had no clue was edible...

    I've eaten purslane and I've made dandelion wine. I liked both of them. Would like to get more adventurous (but not rolly polly adventurous). I also like to watch the videos "Eat the weeds" on YouTube.
  13. bjmstahl

    What to do with old books?

    Some colleges collect old textbooks to send to third world country for use in their schools.
  14. bjmstahl

    Need ideas for breakfast

    Hi Tanks, I usually have a minibagel with cream cheese and fruit or instant oatmeal with organic honey and fruit around 10am. But I don't eat when I get up. I have a cup of tea with one teas. of sugar. This satisfies me until lunch.:frow
  15. bjmstahl

    Does anyone raise bees?

    Hi sarahbethk, I've been a beekeeper since 1999. Check with your county extension office. They should have a list of beekeeping groups in your area. Even if you live in a very populated area, you'd be surprised at the amount of people that have bees. I live near Cincinnati, Ohio and they...
  16. bjmstahl

    Skin Allergy/Irritation in Dogs

    Try putting 1 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in the water. This is for a large dog. Ours was about 65 lbs. Our dog had "itchy dog syndrome" and it cleared up within a couple of days. I also changed his feed to one with less grain. I continued the vinegar for about three months just for good...
  17. bjmstahl

    Mending question: Repairing a broken zipper You can purchase replacement zipper slides at a fabric store such as Hancock fabric or JoAnn fabrics.
  18. bjmstahl

    eczema/psoriasis type problem

    Check out The website has a lot of common items to help with what ails you. My husband had nail fungus and it had a suggestion that worked.
  19. bjmstahl

    Health Insurance

    When I was a girl (which was about 50 years ago) my dad purchased Hospitalization insurance which did exactly what it said. He had his own business so he had to purchase this himself. I never heard him talk about how expensive it was. We also paid our own doctor bill and dentist and eye...
  20. bjmstahl

    Health Insurance

    We were told it would go up $10.00 a check which is about $260.00 for the year. I can handle $10 since our insurance is very reasonable. I'm not in to doing all those tests and it certainly isn't any of there business how much I weigh or how much I exercise.