I talked with my vet and since April was only lame in her back legs, in no apparant pain and meningeal worm isn't something you 'wait and see' about she agreed the best course of action was to treat for meningeal.
I have to give her panacure (safeguard) at a dose of 1cc / 5# for 5 days. I have...
Sorry Lori....I'm almost in the same boat - all except the pain part.
Do you drink wine at all? I've found that a glass or two helps me. Other than that I've started to take other measures like stopping birth control (which was just this month so we'll see how it goes) and talking to my DH...
I sure as heck would think so! I'd say $10 sounds fair, but given the retail value of each you either need to increase your prices or give on the sampler package deal...after all people think that when they buy a "package" they believe they are getting a bonus in some shape or form. Either a...
Well, hopefully I caught it fairly early. Yes, she's had weight issues for some time, but it was only this weekend I noticed the hunching and limpness.
C'mon vet...call me back!
Wow....poor thing. I know how hard it is to get that much into them...I had to dose the DiMethox at a high amount and had to get 20ccs in her once a day for 10 days.
I agree injected ivomec shouldn't be at the oral dose but you never know. From what I've read this is a pretty nasty bug to get...
Did a search on meningeal worm.
Wow..that's April to a T.
Curved spine, limp in one leg, no obvious pain or depression, continues to eat and drink...even has started biting her sides.
Looks like she's going to get dosed with ivomec today followed by Safeguard tomorrow and for the next...
Freecycle is great - except around here you have to be really really quick to the punch when someone lists an "offered"...chances are that within a minute you get another alert that the item has been taken.
Karen - thanks for that thought! Actually, our neighbor lost a goat a while back to meningeal worm, but the thought never crossed my mind because I had no idea what the syptoms were.
I just put everyone through one heck of a treatment with safeguard and dimethox - maybe I'll put her through...
That's a bummer for sure BB. I'm sorry your husband had to deal with that - even if he's seen it before - and I'm sorry you ended up loosing them all.
I posted on your thread at BYC about the birthday of your goats - they sure picked an awesome day to come!
Welcome to SS! I'm sure you'll find a lot of great info here and there's a bunch of wonderful people too!
PS...a lot of us have goats, so feel free to post tons of...
Ummm...wanna come over? I have some chores that need to be done :P
that rooster story is hilarious! Reminds me of Joey and the Bodyguard in my journal...
What great pictures!!!
Speaking of smores - didja know you can make and awesome smore without fire?
Just use Fluff instead of a marshmello! :D
IMO Becca is right on!
I think that *the majority* of people know what they can and cannot handle and, being the great family you all are, you will be just fine. It's not every day you see a family as happy and tight knit as you all are - and that's what bugs them the most. KUDOS!