Thanks for sending it our way! It's supposed to be a scorcher here too - tomorrow even hotter than today. I'm thinking I'd like to test that "fry an egg on the sidewalk" theory...
All I can say is that I need a vacation. There's been a TON of stuff going on both at home and at work so I'm wicked busy trying to find that middle ground again.
Mix all that in with summer time and it's a big old squash bucket o stuff going on.
And here s'more
Somehow there's a white one in there...not too sure about that...they were all guinea eggs in the bater and not a single one of them is white
There's a lavender one too, which is awesome but the majority of them are classic guineas.
Towards the end of this 2...
There's always a sliver lining...
The eggs weren't due to hatch until Friday....ready...say it with me....1....2....3
And here's a video
More to come!
Just talked to the vet. She thinks it's cancer and that April may or may not have much time, it all depends on how fast this progresses. I'm not going to spend money on testing the cysts to determine whether or not it's benign - on the one hand it's a goat and not a goat that's given me many...
Well, test results are in. April is CL negative so that's not where the lumps are stemming from. Great news in that respect but now that means it's something else. I'm waiting on a call back from the vet to see what she thinks.
You can breed them right through milking if you want. Typically, you dry them up about 3 months prior to kidding, not breeding, so you could start drying one of them up now and do the other in a few months.
With Opi, I went from milking once a day to every other day and that lasted about a...
Well - as Hen has said it's hot around here. Maybe not as bad as central US but supposedly it's coming our way.
We've been chugalugging along, not too much to report. The chicks that hatched back in May are starting to dissappoint me. I think out of 13 chicks I have about 5 to 7...
YAY! I'm glad you got it alright! I figured I should send along some unscented types...I know people are 1 of 2 kinds - the kind that doesn't mind scents and the kind that do. :)
Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Awww..sorry SD!
I do hope it's better than you hope and that you are able to come back out on the high end again. You've been through enough that things should start working your way!
Have fun picking up the little one!
It was actually a relief to have this rain, I think. Made it better for watering the grass/gardens and cooled things off a bit! can see in my journal that I cooked a meatie in the pressure cooker to make stir fry last night. I added a cup of water to the pot even though it really didn't need that much water, but my thought was I could use the excess stuff to make a small bone broth. Once the chicken was done...