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  1. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    eh...I'm busy too. it's summer - i don't want to be inside on the computer! So - I made goat milk yogurt. It came out AWESOME! It's a little thin for my taste despite using quite a bit of powdered milk, so I have a bit of it in the freezer right now hopeing to turn it into frozen yogurt. I...
  2. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Sorry - No idea DD. There's several types of karate schools in our area so it could be any one of them. I rather enjoy the 'country' style parades. To me, it really gets the whole purpose of the day - freedom and independance. No city slicker policitians greasing you up, no gangs eyeing...
  3. G

    Free's kidding journal 2011: Plum's death wish p 42

    Wow free - you really set up your customers well! Anyone who gets a goat from you is really really lucky! Now, go and enjoy some cheese making!
  4. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Wow - Thanks Damummis! I always thought there was never a "cure" for CL - I thought once they had it that was it.
  5. G

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    Great pictures from the parade! It sure was a lot different than ours! You can really tell the "country" vs "city" even though we're only a few miles a part. We don't usually have many political people walking in the parade (which I'm thankful for). They did last year and no one paid...
  6. G

    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    Congratulations on the kits! Glad that worked out well.... And sorry about your friend. I hope his family is OK. :hugs
  7. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    No - Draxxin was for the mycoplasma or any other bacteria that could be causing an infection. The vet thinks she has some type of bacteria in her that's causing her body to go haywire. She's on the 4th day of Pen G and really doesn't like me anymore. Each time I go into the pen she runs from...
  8. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    April is doing very well. It seems as though the lumps in her udder are decreasing in size and she's still very much alert, eating, drinking, playing more, etc. Time will tell. Today we went to our town's annual 4th of July parade. little g got to ride his bicycle in it and decorated it all...
  9. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Just wanted to post a quick update - I just got off the phone with the vet (who is now getting a ticket for talking on her cell phone while driving!!!) She said that 'vein' could be a few things - an infection in the mammory glands, which is causing inflammation, or CL spreading. She still...
  10. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Ahhhhh... Friday. I'm leaving work early today. Big G cut and teddered the fields at my grandmother's place Tuesday - Thursday so tonight we're going to start baling. There's at least 500 bales there. Ugh...but we've got our crew to help again and my uncle, who's more than ready to "Get...
  11. G

    Java. the end.

    I know that but..... You said it! :D
  12. G

    Java. the end.

    Remind me never to leave a wad of cash where you can eat it. :P
  13. G

    Wifezilla's Rampage - Weekend Update w/ pics

    Oh, and then we'd laugh all the way home in our "Smart Car" as the goats drop their welcome berries all over the showroom floor, jump on desks and eat the sales flyers.
  14. G

    Wifezilla's Rampage - Weekend Update w/ pics

    I sooooooo think to try that each time I hear their ad. Glen and Hen show up with about 15 goats in a trailor: So...we got some goats. Can we get a car? Car Dealer: Ummmm.... *blink blink* Glen and Hen: Your ad says you take goats in trade, right? Car Deler: Well, yes, but that's just...
  15. G


    I like this idea - it's what I do with the goat milk. I think my issues with breaking the glass jars was using the regular ones, not wide mouth as BB suggested.
  16. G

    Wifezilla's Rampage - Weekend Update w/ pics

    You know...there's a car dealership around her that says they take ANYTHING in trade.... GOATS, BOATS, PLANES OR TRAINS.... Maybe they take ducks? (The link is to one of their craigslist ads)
  17. G

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    You described me every Monday. Wait..or is that Saturday mornings after a Friday night out?'s Friday....
  18. G

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    Those pictures are F A B U L O U S!!!