So someone elected to have a fetus they aborted used for "medical" or "scientific" purposes and the big wigs decided which "medical" or "scientific" purpose it would go to?
Sounds wrong to me.
Does it have to do with this thread you started:
If so, it seems pretty stupid that they want to interview all farms because of 4 out of 400 people...
Awww....I bet they're really cute!
Too bad I'm done with ducks. Too messy for me and I'm afraid to ask Big G to build me that floating duck house I want for the pond in front.
Big G's grandfather came out and "helped". The man's 84 years'd think he'd rather sit in his easy chair and relax - NOPE. He was so excited that we decided to get into haying he couldn't contain himself. He knows his stuff, though, so he helped Big G figure out some of the issues...
It's at Lisa's Chocolates on Butts Bridge Road, right off Rts 12 and 169...the physical address is 195 Butts Bridge Road, Canterbury. It's where Josie's General Store used to be.
I'll be there from 9 - 3 and there'll be a bunch of other crafters as well as antique people...
At least the area is pretty enough where if you do end up driving down there it's not like driving to some crappy development. And there's always something to do so if it falls through you could make something of the trip.
I loved the videos! Jack Jack is funny - I'd love to have a bird like...
I say take the week off. You deserve it! Sure, you can do some nitpicky stuff, by why not give yourself a little down time then dive into the summer projects?
Well, poor Big G. The two balers he wanted to look at were both sold today. :(
They have another older model, so they offered to let him take it today, use it and decide if he wants to buy it or not. This actually works out great for us because we can bale the fields we cut this weekend and...
Whew...what a weekend.
Friday night started out with too many margaritas with friends of ours. Too many. Saturday morning was not good but I managed to help Big G bring the trash to the dump, clean the fish bowl and sit in the truck while he went to an estate sale. $60 later he comes back to...
Hello there! I know what it feels like prepping for a craft show..I have one next weekend. Thankfully I have everything, even the tent, so all I have to do is label my soaps and I'm done - except there's probably 200 bars to label!
I actually read your name as Big Pimpin... :P I know...
Ahhh...that makes more sense, BB. Thanks.
I was wondering how the title of your thread related to the article; I was thinking the article was going to be about how adrenal fatigue / allergies made this woman as sick as she was.
I'll definitely poke around her other articles and read more about...