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    cast iron vid

    I think it recommended to use a diffuser or somethiing when using cast iron on glass-top cooktops. Might be worth looking into.
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    Pasty Pie

    Never heard of a pasty - but we're having them tonight. Hopefully, everyone will like them! Inchworm
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    cast iron vid

    Paul, Thanks for posting! I can't wait to try everything. Inchworm
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    So we found out we have a ntural spring about 30 ft from the house...

    This is so cool! We are dealing with same thing with our "drainage ditch" we are currently reworking. DH thought it was mainly runoff, but as the excavator has worked, we have discovered it to be a "seepage spring". We are installing the collector pipes and gravel beds this spring. We'll...
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    Ever had your confidence shaken about your SS lifestyle?

    Yes - she is a prize. Treasure her!! Inchy
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    Pasture Management

    What is straw? I always gotten the impression that hay is a leaf used for food and straw is a stem used for bedding. Correct? Do they come from the same types of plant or do you have to plant something different to get straw? Inchy (whose only livestock is chickens at this point ;-)
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    Pasture Management

    Ok - stupid question time..... What is hay -- is it just dried grass? What types of grass? Same as in a lawn? Inchy
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    What is wrong with my yogurt?

    I'm fairly new to the whole yogurt thing. Twice I heated it on the stove and both times it was perfect. Twice I heated it in the microwave and both times it was too thin. I think the microwave must heat it unevely with hot pockets, so it seems at the right temp, when overall it is not. Try...
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    Real Food Movement

    I was channel surfing this morning and caught a bit of a "news segment" espousing the benefits of eating whole milk, butter, eggs, and natural oils (think it was Fox). I think there is a growing undercurrent of people rethinking commercial food. I think things will come around in the next few...
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    Feed for chickens?

    Miss the North -- all my table scraps get tossed out to the chickens and barn cats (chickens claim most of it). There is a runny poo once in a blue moon, but mostly not. I toss them a scoop of feed at night to bribe them back into the coop.
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    Avoiding adding gluten to WW bread?

    Bee -- Care to share that wonderful ww recipe??
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    Best way to approach someone with land purchase offer?

    Good luck with it. Let us know what happens!
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    This may be a touchy subject, but ..... Marijuana

    I find it peculiar that so many people who fret about "eating healthy" or worry about "environmental pollutants" extoll the virtues of smoking anything.
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    Cleaning Chicken Poo From Wood Furniture - Desparately Need Help.

    I would place a damp rag over the poo and let it set there for awhile to moisten the poo, and then wipe off. Once the poo is off, dry the furniture with a dry rag.
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    This may be a touchy subject, but ..... Marijuana

    I'm ok with medical marijuana -- it justs needs to go through FDA approval like all the other "medicine".
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    Splain your user name!

    :hit I remember 1977 :hit
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    Splain your user name!

    I think after an experience like that, I'd change my user name just so I wouldn't have to be reminded of it all the time.... I'm very uncreative. When I needed a user name, I looked around the room looking for anything that would generate a thought. The day before, my dh brought home an...
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    helping hens lay again?

    I have eggs! I have eggs! Two of them! I noticed my alpha hen was looking a little pinker in the comb and checked the nesting box :celebrate Hooray that winter solstice is behind us! :bun Inchy
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    Nourishing Traditions

    Or maybe I'll never eat "normally" again after I read it :ep
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    Nourishing Traditions

    It doesn't seem to be in any library in my state, so I broke down and ordered it. I really doubt I will incorporate it into my life, but I really want to just read it anyway. I guess we'll see... Inchworm