I would classify myself as a conservative and toatlly disagree with all the above. We really need to stop labeling each other. I'm not pro-big business. I basicaly want the government to leave me alone.
Hmmm.... as I get older, I don't see so many differences between people. Right and left often want the same things, but see the means to get there differently. When I started homeschooling, I thought we would meet a lot of homeschoolers who would be classified as on the right (religious and...
There is no "trash pickup" where I live. We haul our garbage to the "transfer station" which is basically dumpsters that the county has put up in a few areas. One person mans the transfer station at a time. They "unofficially" designate a corner to leave usable things. I've left many a thing...
My idea of decorating is to decorate a real tree with dried flowers, pinecones, seed pods, etc. Then toss the whole darn thing out in the woods when I'm done with it. The family won't let me do it, but I dream about it each year when I have to get those darned Christmas boxes out from the back...
I think I'm done with growing veggies. All that work and all that watering. It's easier and cheaper to get it from the produce stand down the street. I'm dedicating my garden efforts to cutting flowers and herbs that are hard to find fresh. Having cutting flowers in the house will make me...
One option no one has mentioned is that you can go purchase your own temporary medical insurance. I have done it twice in my life. Granted, they have high deductibles so you will pay for most things out of pocket, but the insurance is there if you have a major medical event. Recently, I had...
Are you expecting artisan bread to be -- well -- something else? I don't think we can think of it as a "sandwich" bread. It is more of something eaten in chunks, an aside for soup or stew, or served with a wedge of cheese. My artisan bread is just as you describe. We enjoy it. But we also...
Do you think the drain is the source? Have you checked the trap? We have to unscrew the plate on the back of our tub periodically and unwrap the 20 pounds of hair that sheds from dd's head. It is amazingly gross and stinky.
I usually clean the bathrooms. I always clean the inside lip of the faucet where green gloop grows. I didn't think much about the fact that algae seemed to grow just inisde the faucet - I figured where water and air meets that you get algae. But DH found it last night and had a cow. Now he...
We are not required to test. This past spring, I did sign them up for optional standardized testing at a nearby site. I figure taking a standardized test is a skill they should be exposed to should they wish to pursue academics.
Wow. You guys are all great and gave me so much to think about when I'm in a bad place.
But, you know Bee -- here you hit the heart of the question. I love homeschooling and being with my kids. What I'm really worried about is finances. This spoke to me in more ways then you can imagine...