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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    Thanks! I'm ordering them from the library right now :) Inchy
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    When did you start homeschooling?

    My kids went to preschool for 2 years. I then kept them home for K. We have been homeschooling for 6 years now. I know lots of families where the kids go in and out of the school system over the years. Really, with good parenting, kids are resilient. There are pros and cons either way. My...
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    Aidenbaby's Anti-Suburban Sprawl

    Better than egg on your face :lau
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    TanksHill...Roll on!!

    Now the secret is out -- Dacs really isn't a curmudgeon at all! Inchy
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    Earth 2100????

    True. So the individuals need to take on the initiative. My local town had their first "Greenfest." A church had tables for swapping clothes, they had recycling lectures and bins, lectures on composting, vendors for rain barrels, etc. They had a great turn out -- especially for a rural area...
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    Cheap Tires?

    You can try They ship them to you and you have to take them somewhere to get mounted. They tend to be cheaper. That said, tires for a suburban are going to be on the pricey side. Inchworm
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    Hmmm. I think I need some SS goals for the year: 1. Install water storage tank in laundry room. 2. Improve drainage ditch. 3. Get rain barrels. 4. I need to identify a place for long-term food storage. 5. Rebuild our dilapidated wood shed so we can store up dry wood for the winter. 6...
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    Earth 2100????

    Well, oldsters like me remember the big scare in the 60's and 70's -- the next "Ice Age." Of course, that got supplanted by "The Greenhouse Effect." And it seems to me the latest trend is now "Climate Change" -- just so everyone has their bases covered. Don't get me wrong -- I do believe in...
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    Here's a pic of baby duckling and her Momma hen. It took some time for them to bond, but they are quite the pair now!
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    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    Happy Birthday! I know you helped me be more SS :) Inchy
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    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    Well, she can be a little manure factory :) Inchy
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    Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!

    Gee, sorry Lori. :hugs As for books, I keep track of what I read at I can keep track of what I have read and what I want to read. Inchy
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    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    Awwww. If nothing else, she makes a pretty lawn ornament! Congratulations on the new acquisitions. Inchy
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    Keljonma, That's interesting. The hen's body was lying under the kid's jungle gym. No blood, no feathers missing. It's possible our cat scared away an intruder. But the chickens do get on the jungle gym from time to time. Maybe she made a bad landing or got tangled in the swings or jungle...
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    Inchworm's cocoon - busy spinning away

    It's a calculated risk. I will keep them penned for a few days to make sure something doesn't develop a habit of coming here for a game of catch-the-chicken. This particular hen also had a habit of going off by itself. If I'm going to be out for more than an hour or two, I keep them penned...
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    It's out! I can see it breathing, but it is being still - maybe sleeping? Is it ok to touch it if Momma hen will let me? Is it normal for the neck to be curled up? I don't think it has lifted its head yet. Inchy
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    The beak is out this morning :) I have non-medicated starter for it. I read they should be able to get their head in their water dish. Is this necessary the first week? I didn't really expect this egg to hatch, so now I'm fussing around trying to figure out what to do with it. Inchy
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    Maybe it isn't exactly a pip. The shell isn't off, it is pushed outwards and cracked. It has now made another one next to the first and is wriggling around again.
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    Help! Pipping egg question

    DrakeMaiden, The duckling was very active this morning, but very still this afternoon. Normal? Inchy
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    HennyPenny's random thoughts. New set of goals!

    Coconut seems to be a love or hate food. People who hate coconut will notice it in their food. I mean the coconut oil, not just coconut. I have a friend who makes granola bars with coconut oil. I love them, but my kids won't touch them. Inchy