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  1. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    I was thinking staph infection, too, but these lumps are literally inside her udder and abdomen, not on her skin and they're definitely not pimply. There's several of them clumped together and move around a little..all different sizes. Just like CL lumps are - they're under her skin and...
  2. G

    Who reads what we write?

    Well, here's my take on the whole 'protect your identity' thing. There's so many ways for people to find stuff out about you that it's ridiculous to try and prohibit it. You'd have to be the "Sand Paper Man" and move consistently, only use cash, never have a phone number (or the same number...
  3. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Well, the vet visit wasn't as bad as it could have gone, I guess. We tested for CL and April, poor thing, is now in seclusion. However, "seclusion" means a beautiful pasture that we had fenced in last year for Meatball's (a calf) birth. We had to pen his mother because of birthing issues and...
  4. G

    Help! My stanchion smells like sour milk!

    I have a metal one so I keep a spray bottle of diluted bleach near by. If (noticed I said IF :P ) I get milk on the stand or on the floor I just wipe it up and spray it with the bleach. Every once and a while I take my stand outside for a good scrubbing, but since I don't want it to rust I...
  5. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    This baler came with a kicker, but he took it off and is selling it. We don't have a hay wagon, let alone enough fields to warrant getting a wagon to use the kicker. It's just hay for us and maybe sell a few here and there to save space for 2nd and maybe 3rd cuts. April has an appointment at...
  6. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    Great idea rebecca! I'll have to mention that to Big G! We dropped off the haybine at my grandmother's last night. My uncle (who lives right next door) was there talking about helping us and when I mentioned I could rake as Big G baled I was quickly turned down by my uncle who said "NO...
  7. G

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    Where was the camp out? We were invited to one at Pachaug but couldn't go because Big G had to work on Saturday and I had the craft show. Sorry to hear about the 'crash''s not fun when you do it and land on sticks, rocks, dirt, etc...hope you feel better and enjoy this beautiful day...
  8. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    See, I was gonna say cute farmers, but I'm biased too ;) Well, Big G went and got a new baler this morning. Some guy about 45 min north of us just put his mint condition HUGE ASS [hee hee...I wrote A$$ but it fixed it to backside] baler up for sale and Big G was the first among many to...
  9. G

    glenolam's madness - April passed away

    What a busy few days it's been! I won't bore you with all the details, I'll just show you pictures. There's some of Big G on the tractor when we were haying and some of the craft fair I was at today. Notice the lovely picture on the lables? That was created by our own very...
  10. G

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I'd bet the stress from the past few weeks has put a toll on your ability to process food the same as before. Take a minute, take a breath and try to relax. I'd love to see more videos of Jack Jack and the kittens! That's sure to be a stress reducer!
  11. G

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Ya know, I just had a great idea. Why not dig a trench around your areas where you don't want old neighbor man to cross and fill it with poop. Tilt the poop trench a tad forward so that when it does rain the poop runs toward his house and yard instead of on your lawn. I think that's a...
  12. G

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Jeez OFG. I'm serious now. Me, you and anyone else with bigguns need to give him the shocker of his life and have a jumping jack contest. And we'll have THIS WOMAN join us!
  13. G

    Degree of Brillance

    This is true brilliance: Rally up others to help by offering pizza and beer as payment. Woop Woop!
  14. G

    Bimpnottin's Journal - OFG: Bacon scarf

    Congrats on the craft fair! I have one on Saturday - it, too, is supposed to rain a little. I sure hope it doesn't down pour. I spent quite a while wrapping soaps and will continue tonight and tomorrow....I sure understand how much work goes into crafting!
  15. G

    Now I have a sick kitty p 5....

    Sorry free - he looks just like my crooked cat, Sylvie. She had a lesion on a nerve to her brain when she was about 2 which caused some bad issues too. Luckily she survived but to this day still walks with a head tilt. :hugs
  16. G

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    It's not too soon for them to be exposed to water as long as it's easy for them to get out of the dish. They'll splash around for a bit and then run under momma when they get cold. Way too cute, though!
  17. G

    Java. the end.

    Happy Anniversary! got to say I'm not on the 'been in love w/my husband since I was a teen' train. I met mine when I had just turned 21 and he was 26. Married a year and a half later and it's been, what, 6 1/2 years married now? Gosh...Sometimes it feels like 20! We usually just spend a...
  18. G

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    Sorry BB - I don't get stuff like that, and I don't mean the Why; I mean the How. Anyway - I hope you feel better. Didn't mean to bring you down! :hugs
  19. G

    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    What a wonderful gift - the memoir! I, too, could never write one. I have only a few memories and some of them I'd never want to bring up either because they're made up for whatever reason, or they're real and not something I'd like to recall. I have some good ones, and those I try to recall...